This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Abe.

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  • #18208

    Hi Abe,

    On the admin site Sweetdate >> BuddyPress,
    You provide the special preconfigured field for the age, and only one Numerical Field. BUt every dating community site need more Numerical Fields, age=ok, height=ok, but we need to have one for bodyweight too. That is very important parameter. How can I duplicate / or create more Numerical Field options? Wich php file contain this code?

    Thank you, Ervin M.


    So maybe u can help me, to add some code to some php files, to have more (2-4) nummerical field options on the admin site Sweetdate >> BuddyPress setup page. I hope its possible to triplicate the existing one. 🙂

    An another incompleteness on the user porfile searching / filtering:
    When one user define yourself with one drop-down list item (smoker, OR non-smoker, OR social smoker) that is correct. But searching for these user-property, when I filter users, it should be one multiple-selection-list, for example I m searching for users, there are non-smokers, and most social smokers, so I m looking for a listing from non-smoker AND social-smoker users, (excluded oftener and normal smokers).

    Its possilbe to searching for drop-down list (single item selection) property with a multiple selection form?
    Or its too complicated to extend the filtering capability in this way? 🙂

    Thank you,
    Ervin m.


    Hi, Making those changes implies custom work which requires programming skills and a dedicated amount of time that isn’t covered by our support team.

    here is the file responsible for the search form:

    and the theme options file:

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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