This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Abe.

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  • #31751

    how do I disable this magnific-popup? I want to use Social Gallery plugin or Foobox to handle images.

    I’m getting 2 light boxes no matter what I try!


    I think its used in two places. But have you tried disabling it in rtMedia?

    WP Admin -> rtMedia -> Settings -> Use lightbox to display media

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    Have you figured it out? @Patkellydesigns

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    @sharmstr Don’t even have RT-Media installed

    After you mentioned it I installed my copy of RT-Pro and disabled light box just for badness but it didn’t do much

    Thank youfor your reply though


    I tried to do it forcefully just deleted the entire plugin folder \kleo\assets\js\plugins\magnific-popup\ Hoping it would fallback on WordPress – No dice <—Magnific still loads from somewhere. Yes I cleared cache.

    I tried a more gentle approach I //commented it out in functions and it breaks the Clients Module in jscomposer
    AND in the Gallery Pages I get two Lightboxes (Magnific being one of them)

    I want to use JIG accompanied by SocialGallery – This should be easy but…

    Can someone not tell me how do disable the Lightbox? This theme certainly doesn’t depend on it as I see in the code that it used to use Prettyphoto and THAT is commented out…

    So any Ninja’s out there know how I can get magnific to go away?


    Hi, to disable the magnific popup do this:
    – open wp-content/themes/kleo/assets/js/app.js
    – comment or remove this lines around 620:

    		/* Regular popup images */
    		$("a[data-rel^='prettyPhoto'], a[rel^='prettyPhoto'], .article-content a[href$=jpg]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=JPG]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=jpeg]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=JPEG]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=gif]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=bmp]:has(img), .article-content a[href$=png]:has(img)").magnificPopup({
    			type: 'image',
    			mainClass: 'mfp-img-pop',
    				enabled: true
    		/* WordPress Gallery */
    		$(".gallery a[href$=jpg], .gallery a[href$=JPG], .gallery a[href$=jpeg], .gallery a[href$=JPEG], .gallery a[href$=png], .gallery a[href$=gif], .gallery a[href$=bmp] :has(img)").parent().magnificPopup({
    			delegate: 'a',
    			type: 'image',
    			mainClass: 'mfp-gallery-pop',
    			navigateByImgClick: true,
    			gallery: {
    				enabled: true,
    				navigateByImgClick: true,
    				preload: [0,1]

    or if you don’t need the login modal you can just comment this around line 33

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    I would like to disable the LightBox as well. I have completely deleted all of those lines above out of the app.js file, and I still can’t stop the LightBox?

    Example page here

    Any idea how I can disable this?



    app.js has been minified. You need to either re-minify app.js after you make the changes or make the changes in app.min.js

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    Woohoo… big images are back 🙂 Thank you!

    For anyone else following this later, I’ve never minifed anything before myself, but just used this online compression tool –

    Thanks again.



    I need to disable the default magnific-popup in order to use another plugin (now I have 2 lightboxes for 1 picture!). The way from 2014 is still the same: operate in app.js? I never did it… 😛

    Thank you.


    Hi, I just did a new option for you to disable the magnific popup in the blog articles. You will see the new option in Theme options – Miscellaneous
    You will need to replace the theme files attached on your server until the next update to make it happen

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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