This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Radu.

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  • #140340


    I need to know the short code for “icon_size”. Is is small, medium, large. Is it pixels, 10, 16, 20?

    What is it?

    And honestly, shame on you for having no documentation. I could have built the pricing table in 5 minutes with documentation. But instead I have spent an hour trying to figure out what short code you use.

    Is it top secret or something?



    If you have a visual interface of that shortcode with a few options should be super easy to modify and to see the modifications from visual composer….

    1x,2x,3x,4x Sizes here :

    You continue to blame us for the documentation that shortcode it’s mentionated here :

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    I am using the icon in pricing table. Not VC. I want the size smaller.

    [kleo_icon icon="ok-circled" icon_size="default"] Pricing Item

    And I apologize for being so mean, but I am extremely frustrated. I planned to have the pricing table done today… I planned to have my featured items done yesterday, I planned to have my Membership-levels page working on Monday. None of it happened as scheduled.

    This is all finally coming together, but OMG – it has been a painfully difficult experience.



    In this case of the shortcode doesn’t have a smaller option in your case there should be a custom css to control the size of that icon, you said that you are designer you should know to do this : add a custom class to the container that contains pricing tables and then we can control the size of the icon with a css like this
    Example :

    .mycustom-pricing-table-container i { font-size:10px; }

    Then all i elements from that container will haves the 10px font size

    Here it’s a small video guide that shows you how can you check a VC shortcode if haves any option : (If you already know about this , ignore it, I want to be sure that you know about this method)

    Also after you configure the element as you need you can copy the shortcode code and to paste it where you need it.

    If I can see your pricing table Kleo page somewhere online I can help you with small CSS changes and it’s easy for me to figure out what do you need


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Got thanks. Not that big a deal for me to customize it. Just needed to know if there was shortcode. Now I know. Thanks.


    No problem
    Have a nice week

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