This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #45604

    First off #7thQueen you guys are doing great, and I don’t think you get told that enough. I have had my complaints and frigid moments over the past year, but all in all you guys are doing splendid! I’ve bought other themes over the year and non compare to the WordPress package you guys supply!

    I think it would be awesome to add a customizable (walk through, guide, or tour). The only crutch that I have found with any WordPress or BuddyPress site is that it doesn’t Ray the simplicity of how to use the site to its users and visitors. I have asked random people as well as a few friends and colleagues to just grab my site and go. Some have fiddled until they figured it out, others have basic knowledge and mental reference for the icons, and then their are the doodoo birds who have no clue. For the doodoo bird to be extinct their site are many people in ages ranging from 15-47 that have no clue what to do despite of the simplicity. I think a guided tour would remove all question marks, and as a internet entrepreneur removing the question mark from a user is what empowers them to go forward and become a more active visitor, and user.


    Have you seen this?

    The issue with having it built into Kleo is that everyone site is different and there are multiple ways to configure Kleo that it would be extremely difficult to write a canned tour that would work for everyone.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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