This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Abe.

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  • #115713


    My hosting company said that I have to explain this logs, and my page is blocked until I do so?

    Can someone tell me what it is ?

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    What is the issue ? IT makes load or what ?

    Most probably is about this kleo_bp_notifications_refresh you can disable live notifications form : Wp-admin -> theme options -> buddypress -> Live Notifications interval – 0


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    Server CPU is 4 times overloaded.


    If I set this to 0 does it make any sense than to have this live notification icon in menu?


    If you want to keep the notifications on, set a larger interval 60000 (60 seconds) or 2 minutes


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    Ok I changed it to 10minutes, but still on some pages there is this notification each second. See the image attatched.
    Can someone help me with that fast?

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    I think it is connected somehow with Sensei plugin which I was asking You to update. Because all this notification are connected to course subpages.


    I set the value Live Notifications interval = 0

    But it didn’t solve the problem


    In all of this logs there is repeating problem of one user….

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    I tried to delete all the pages connected with this issue, incudling one course, but errors won’t go.

    I also don’t understand why after deletion of one course I am automatically redirected from (deleted) to (new one)



    Hi, even if you disable the notification interval, that will still appear in your logs until all users already loaded pages will be closed. If any client still has the browser opened when the last value was in place then it will remain like that until the user refreshes the page.
    You can check in your browser console to see if any requests are done by ajax

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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