This topic has 21 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 11 years by Abe.

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  • #7156

    Hi, something I would like to see improved is:

    1. That messaging does not take you to your own profile. I mean, now the user has to hit the back button in their browser a couple of times. What though might be smooth is a messaging pop-up in stead.

    2. A message button direct on the cards after you do a search would be nico too. Preferably the same popup that disappears after the message has been sent so that you can browse profiles further.

    While we are at it 😉 The image on the user-card that come up after search as clickable and linked to the profile would be excellent. Even I keep on clicking the images while I know they are not linked.


    These plugins are what you’re looking for. They work great:

    Also, you can easily link the profile image in the user-card with this href code in your members-loop.php:


    Thanks @adam for the tips

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    Hi, Thanks.

    I’ve tried bp-profile-message-ux but nothing happens when I click on “message” in a profile. Thanks for the image link tip. I will try it tomorrow!


    you’re clicking the private message button? it must be conflicting with another plug-in?


    I am clicking on that button yes. If I click on the button after the plugin install nothing happens. Just a button click with no effect. I have brought down the installed plugins to the essentials so I don’t think I can resolve it by uninstalling something else.


    the plugin author is responsive and might be able to help you:


    I have the same problem. I just sent the author a message.


    Thanks. Can you reply the response here? 🙂


    They had me switch to the Twenty Thirteen theme and I tested the bp-profile-message-ux free and it worked fine. I then switched back to Sweetdate Child and I click on the private message button and nothing happens.

    I’m running WP 3.6.1 BuddyPress 1.8.1


    that’s really strange. it works perfectly for me.


    Adam are you using the free version?


    Make sure you have the latest v.2.2 theme installed. We will release v2.3 soon also.
    You should check for javascript errors in your browser console

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    yes – free version.


    I am running Sweetdate v2.2. I checked developer mode on IE 10, FF and the latest Chrome. I don’t see any errors.

    I did an inspect on the Private message button. I pasted it below.

    <a href="#TB_inline?width=300&height=310&inlineId=create-private-message-ux" title="Send a private message to mrodriguez">Private Message</a>
    <div id="create-private-message-ux" style="display:none"><form action="" name="private-message-form-ux" id="private-message-form-ux" method="post" class="standard-form"><label for="private_message_subject">Subject</label> <input type="text" size="41" maxlength="50" name="private_message_subject" id="private_message_subject"><br><br><label for="private_message_content">Message</label><br><textarea name="private_message_content" id="private_message_content" rows="10" cols="52"></textarea><br><br><input type="hidden" name="private-message-hidden" value="1"><input name="private_message_send" id="private_message_send" type="submit" class="button button-primary" value="Send Message"><input type="hidden" id="_wpnonce" name="_wpnonce" value="4b60108083"><input type="hidden" name="_wp_http_referer" value="/members/mrodriguez/"></form></div>

    Open sweetdate/header.php and search for
    If you don’t find it add it just before the

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    < ?php bp_head(); ?> was not there. I added it right before < ?php wp_head(); ?> and cleared the cache on my browsers. I tried the private message button, but it did not work.


    @adam this is working for you, right?

    please wait for v2.3 that is coming these days and re-test

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    Ok, I’ll wait for v2.3.




    Still no improvements… I don’t get the plugin to work!


    Please do a fresh install for test. I just installed the plugin and works

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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