February 5, 2016 at 14:17 #102283
In the same way that the image size of masonry grid?
For example,
original image size: 450 x 370
masonry grid image size: 179 x179
I vertically and horizontally 1: 1 ratio wants.
Output in the topic I kleo posts.
post grid is not available because the thumbnail image of the invisible topic.
is it possible?
Please help me.
February 5, 2016 at 16:46 #102311Vinzent
ParticipantI found the solution.
I found two things failed.The first solution.
kleo / page-parts / post-content-masonry.php copy the files to kleo-child / page-parts / post-content-masonry.php.Before change:
$ image = aq_resize ($ slide, $ kleo_config [ 'post_gallery_img_width'], $ kleo_config [ 'post_gallery_img_height'], true, true, true);
After the change:
$ image = aq_resize ($ slide, 480, 480, true, true, true);
Before change:
$ image = aq_resize ($ img_url, $ kleo_config [ 'post_gallery_img_width'], null, true, true, true);
After the change:
$ image = aq_resize ($ img_url, 480, 480, true, true, true);
No change.
The second solution.
kleo-child / functions.phpCOPY CODEfunction KleoCustomImagesSizes () { global $ kleo_config; // Post image sizes for carousels and galleries $ Kleo_config [ 'post_gallery_img_width'] = 555; $ Kleo_config [ 'post_gallery_img_height'] = 333; } add_action ('after_setup_theme', 'KleoCustomImagesSizes');
There is also no change.
I would like to help.
February 6, 2016 at 03:05 #102383Vinzent
ParticipantI found the answers to my questions.
I have attached the image bbpress topic.
I had to paste an image from the clipboard.That was the problem immediately.
Clipboard image was not sizing.
So solve the problem, delete and then upload the image to the clipboard image.Hope someone can help (if my English is written correctly …)
Have a nice weekend.
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