This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Laura.

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  • #143050

    Hello during the install process I notice it has Countries set up as a choice for updating profile fields. However when adding cities as an option to search is left blank.

    I had read several weeks back that there is a site that does this? geo something? But can’t find that link, as I’m getting to that point that I need to resolve this.

    Is there a process/tutorial on how to do this? When I looked I was clueless where and what to put what?

    Can someone help with that here? I would like that once someone adds their Country then the City field will auto update according to Country selected.


    Hello, i do not understand what do you mean by auto update. Can you explain a bit more?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

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    Hi Laura.

    So when filling out the fields and one say selects a country I can see in the drop down menu that the list is extensive with may countries to select.
    When choosing city it seems to be default textarea to type a city in. If I want to have it be a drop down menu like the Country one, fields are empty and I had read somewhere that there is a site to generate a city list and I input that code somewhere in the Dashboard?

    So example if I put in Canada
    next selection is a city so a drop down menu will look like this:



    hope that makes sense.


    Hello, well if you check at Sweetdate > Buddypress you will see an option to use geonames to show a city suggestion when the country is selected

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Hello. I know that’s there but nothing comes up.

    City autocompleteEnable or disable City autocomplete based on Country field
    Your City profile Field Type must be set as Text Box
    This uses API

    I have click to on.

    Geonames usernameThis field is required for the service to work. Get one from and enable the free service from your account

    That I left empty and I’m wondering if that is what I need to input? When I go there I’m pretty clueless as what to do.

    Then after there are these:

    City fieldSelect which is your City field that will autocomplete.
    Which I select City in the drop down.

    Country fieldSelect you Country field. Based on this, the City field will populate.
    If you do not have one, set the Country Code bellow.
    Again I select Country but there is no issue here with selecting Countries as it already has a list to choose from.

    Then the last one I leave blank:
    Country CodeIf you don’t have a Country field then set here the ISO-3166 alpha2 code of you Country for which you want to enable the autocomplete.


    Hello, you need to select country and city fields, and put your geonames username, the country code is if you want cities of just one country (meaning you are not using a country field)

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    So first step is to register with geonames?


    Hello, yes and activate the service for free at geonames > account

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Hi Laura, so I’m still not sure what to do. I created an account at Geonames. From there I saw zipfiles I can download such as etc.
    I did not see anything as far as activating an account? Other then creating the account.

    As far as part on the Dash:

    Geonames username
    This field is required for the service to work. Get one from and enable the free service from your account _________________

    what would I put there?



    Hello, you should add your geonames username there, also check

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Hello I have done that and all is still the same. I have a drop down country field which populates and if I understand correctly the selection for city incorporates a text field? This is a rather big oversight, as no sites really does this anymore, there is always a drop down selection for countries, cities etc.
    Will this ever be updated?


    Actually I stand corrected, I went to POF and they’re the same, textarea for city as opposed to drop down.

    So a general question, if I where to add in individually states and provinces I suppose there is no way that if one where to select say Canada it will populate the provinces only for Canada in the next drop down before a city textarea?

    I’m going to assume a developer will be needed if I want anything specific in that regard?


    Hello, well right now the only way is using geonames or a custom script created by a developer

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Always happy to help you 🙂

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