This topic has 24 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #848

    I have just launched my site to the public. Right now there are 10 registered members, however only 5 show up on the site. The other 5 seem to be invisible. At first I thought it was because they had not activated their accounts. But at least one of them have uploaded profile picture and album pictures and so on. So she must have activated her account. Her activity shows up under the activity menu, but she still isn’t recognized as a member on the site. The site is live here:


    Users appear in members page. If you search them, they have to complete their profile fields to appear in results.

    Also you need to change the profile fields that appear under the name in member listing . To change those values in profile listing you need to change some values to a configuration array:
    Add it in  the remove actions function from the sweetdate-child and change with your own fields:

    global $kleo_config;
    // Profile fields to show on members loop, below the name
    $kleo_config['bp_members_loop_meta'] = array(    'I am a',    'Marital status',    'City');
    //From which profile field to show member details on members directory page
    $kleo_config['bp_members_details_field'] = 'About me';
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    Thank you for telling me about the member info in the loop meta 🙂 is there a way to make it show on separate lines? Now it is all in a single row and there is a lot of white space in that area. It’s not important, but if possible it would make the design a little better I think 🙂

    I don’t quite understand which fields a member needs to fill out to become registered as a member in the member count and on the member page though. This member: has filled all the required fields but she still doesn’t count as a member, or show up anywhere on the site.


    Another example of an invisible member:
    She’s filled out all required details, however she doesn’t show up anywhere.


    I am thinking that maybe members haven’t activated their account. Try installing this plugin and check there:

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    Thank you 🙂
    I have 49 registered members in the back-end, 6 members that have not activated and 41 members on the front-end. So still 2 are “missing”. But I do not understand how a member who has not activated is able to log in and upload images and stuff? For example, this user: she is listed under the “not activated” in that plugin, but she has already uploaded pictures and changed her profile……strange, no?


    I will do some tests with not activated users. Will let you know

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    Thank you.


    I have identical problem,

    instaled and activated with this plugin, but members still not appear on search …


    I think members registered trough Facebook need to login first. Buddypress lists the users that have some activity in the site. Registering trough Facebook wasn’t generating any activity at first. Now we have fixed this and included it in upcoming 1.5.1(it will be released tommorow)

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    I have not facebook register activated…

    But it is possible activate user with this plugin ?

    I tried with no sucess


    You should be able to activate with that plugin. If it is not working you can try

    Also in order for the users to appear in search they need to have the profile fields completed(the ones you are searching for).
    They should appear if you are not doing a search and going to /members

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    Tried both plugins , activated members but still no appearing in the member directory, but they are there (if i put username in url it show the member profile)


    I you try to login with one of the users, then it shows?

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    They are real members…

    When i put the username in url (members/username) i can view the profile, but not appear on members directory


    I did some tests and if a user hasn’t activated the account then it won’t show in members list even though you can access it by the link. Users need to activate their account before they appear on the listing

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    ok, but it is possible to manual activate them ?
    I tried the 2 plugins and it activate members (i think so …) but still hidden


    Not activated members don’t need to show but if you activated them then those plugins aren’t doing a good job 🙂
    The plugin needs to add a activity entry in order for the members to show. I will look these days over a plugin and modify it.

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    Yes, you are right, but like you know it is not easy to start a dating site without members(or a few ones), so in the beginning it is essencial that all members to be visible


    i confirmed that members only show on directory after first login. It was great to have a fix to this, like member be listed on member directory and searchs after register be done.



    Hi there.
    If you want users to show in your site after they activate their account or you activated it using a plugin you have to add this piece of code to your sweetdate-child/functions.php and an user no longer needs to login in order for him to appear in the site.

    add_action('bp_core_activated_user', 'kleo_add_member_activity');
    function kleo_add_member_activity($user_id, $key, $user )
    	add_user_meta( $user_id, 'last_activity', date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
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    dont work 🙁


    User has to activate the account or use a plugin to manually activate it.

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    Hi, I activated the user, but they are not live on the site?

    Where do I put that code? as dont have sweetdate-child?


    You should upload the child theme and activate it. Then you will have that folder inside wp-content/themes

    Users need to login if you haven’t added that code

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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