This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #13916

    I’d like to create a “pin” shortcode outside of the visual composer, but all I am getting is this: [kleo_pin type=”circle” left=”” right=”” top=”” bottom=””]

    There is so much more information to be designated for the pin.

    I created one in visual composer, but I cannot see the code it created. Hmmm…

    Id you have a manual on how to create your shortcodes, it would be REALLY helpful!

    Maybe I missed it???

    Also, would this shortcode work in a sidebar text/html box?



    Here’s what I do. I design it using VC, then switch to classic mode. You’ll see all the shortcode goodness. I copy and paste that where I want it. And yes, you can put it in the text sidebar widget.

    I’m guessing your not directly editing any php files, but if you ever want to add it directly to a php code, then you’d call it like this.

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[kleo_gap size="20px" class="" id=""]') ?>

    Abe and team, it would be awesome to have some sort of icon reference. Just big ol list where you can see what they look like.

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    Thank you, Sharmstr, I’ll try that!

    Yes, a list of instructions for how to create the shortcodes with the different options would be tremendously helpful!!



    Hi sharmstr, What do you mean an icon reference and where to put that?

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    When using VC, some of your items have a dropdown for the icon you want to use. It would be nice to see what it looks like instead of just the name. It would be cool if the icon was next to the name in the dropdown, but I’d be happy with a listing of them in your documentation.

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    Oh I see what you mean. Yes we will think of something. Until then you can import the json from the main downloaded package – Assets – Fontello – config.json into to see the included icons

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    I meant directions on how to write out a short code without using the virtual composer — say like if I want to use one in a widget or on a page that wasn’t created with VC.


    Hi ThemeVal, we will create a detailed documentation for all shortcodes with all possible attributes. Until then you can follow sharmstr’s advice and create them using Visual Composer and use the Classic editor to view it

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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