This topic has 23 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Andrei.

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  • #62032

    Touch does not work on mobile, cannot select any chceckboxes.

    I had BP profile search installed already and it worked fine, after you guys integrated it with KLEO, touch does not work on mobile, it works fine with a mouse click however.

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    Hello, please check out the attachment, its made on mobile, as i see it works fine, have you tested with another phone?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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    Hi Laura,

    I tested it with nexus 5/android and Apple Ipad, fields show up fine I just cant touch select them.


    It does not work for me, the only field that works is age range from – to, I can touch and enter numbers there, but dropdowns wich checboxes do not work.

    Mouse click on boxes on PC works fine.

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    I re-checked on other devices, there is definitely some kind of an issue there.

    The only field that works on touch is age, it allows me to enter numbers.
    All drop down checkboxes show up but I can’t touch-check any of them

    Registration screen with same values works fine, and this “search” worked fine on bp profile search before KLEO incoporated it into the theme, so something is not working there.


    Hi Laura,

    I had someone check in Brazil and in NYC, they both cant use touch on those menus.
    I have not idea how it works for you, but for 3 separate people in 3 separate locations it doesnt work.


    When I switch to the last form template (members/bps-form-with-labels) in bp search plugin settings it switches to the same viewing format as on registration, which is absolutely horrible looking, meaning it shows (0 selected) in the box, when I click it there is no dropdown, but fields show up in another layer that pops up and there I can touch click them and check them off. It looks like there is an error with that (0 selected) I definitely dont want that in search, its bad enough to have this on registration.

    Legacy and Inline forms look great but touch screen does not work when they drop down.


    One more thing I want to mention even though its not working now, in form template bps-form-inline, the box for “Age Range From” needs to be a bit wider, right now the last “m” is cut off.


    Hello, has this been fixed in 3.0.1?


    Inline and Legacy templates still do not work on touch devices, is this going to be supported on mobile in the future? It looks great but its not functional at the moment.


    Hi @arystokrata, We’ll put your scenario under a test and see what are the issues and fix them in a future update.
    I’m sorry for the late reply and we’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.


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    Thanks, its designed beautifully but there seems to be a glitch with touch screens, just cant select options.


    Sure, once again, thank you for your patience.
    Looking forward.

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    Can you please provide us admin access to your site so we can check what settings did you made to those search forms.

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    Ok thank you for all the information provided, we’ll give a look into this.

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    Hello, any chance this has been fixed?

    Also regarding another mobile issue which i submitted to buddypress, they claim its an issue with the theme as well. This is the ticket for it:

    The issue is mobile showing 0 selected in the box, which looks pretty bad.



    Not yet but I can assure you they are on our list they will be addressed as soon as possible.


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    Same issue for me with mobile devices


    We are aware of it and hope we’ll cover it in our next update.

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    Hello, were you guys able to fix this? Also regarding the community members search/get connected themes, I am considering buying another license, but its using the same set up for members search, so I am not sure if its working on mobile phones, my guess it is not? Thanks



    Please update to Kleo 3.0.9 and let us know if you encounter any more touch issues on the search dropdowns.


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