This topic has 15 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 11 years by SQadmin.

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  • #9045


    I hope that I’m the only one who updated the rtMedia to the latest version. I faced so serious problems that this plugin is absolutely unusable right now.

    Here’s a screenshot which has 3 most major problems I have faced so far. Does someone else have these issues and instructions how these might be fixed?


    I’m having the same issues as well as getting a 403 forbidden error when trying to click “edit” in lightbox when viewing a photo. I’ve contacted rtmedia and they can’t replicate the issues, but I’m still working with them.

    Any help from Sweetdate admin is welcome 🙂

    Will update as soon as I hear something,


    Hi, We just updated to 3.4.5 and edit page looks good

    For styling we will take a look a let you know if we can help somehow.

    related to 403 forbidden errors try to check also with the hosting company. You could try to re-save your options from Settings – Permalinks maybe it helps

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi Abe,

    Look forward to the styling help, for the 403 forbidden error it says:

    “You don’t have permission to access /members/jim/media/22/edit/ on this server.

    Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”

    Any ideas?
    I tried re-saving permalinks with no luck and my hosting company is unmanaged unfortunately.



    My Edit-page still looks terrible and I’m using 3.4.5.
    Strange if it works with you but not with me… : /


    Hi guys, yes seems to be some display issues with latest rtMedia plugin. I’ll work to resolve this, thank you for your waiting time.


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    now it is updated to 3.4.6 and edit page is ok. Login as demo:demo at

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.



    I don’t see any difference after 3.4.6. update. Also this lightbox is still awful. Hope it will get better

    Best regards,


    @Abe, I tried demo-page and I didn’t even find modify-page there? 😮
    Also demo-page’s lightbox does not look right :/


    same problem with rtMedia and… the slider of your demo page don’t work !


    We will let you know when we have some update about rtmedia.

    what do you mean the slider isn’t working?

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Is there any progress with this issue? 🙂


    Hi, We will fix those in a couple of days and release them in an update

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Hi mpitka, we’ve made ​​some improvements rtMedia that will be available in the next update, you can see them on our demo here:


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    MUCH better!

    I didn’t find any problems except this one:

    Comments does not look right.

    Can you say when next update will be available?


    Hi, we’ve fixed this too. Updates will be available most probably tomorrow.


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