This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #66318

    Hi – in our groups, we added a custom icon, using this method – – after updating to the latest version, the (job) icon is gone, even though we didn’t touch the child css and I can still see it there.

    Did some icon choices get eliminated in the upgrade? Any ideas why it might not be showing up?

    Here is what it used to look like:

    Here is what it looks like now, with it missing:


    Every file in the kleo directory is overwritten whether its new or not. So if you followed the setps and imported a new icon in fontello, the yes, it will be gone. Reimport to get it back.

    I talked to the developers about this before. I’ll speak to them again about it.

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    I went through the steps outlined, and for whatever reason cannot get it back. I re-uploaded the config.json, and can see the code is still in the child css.

    Here is the page – is there anything standing out to you? Was there anything in the update that changed? Thanks, I’m sort of at a loss why it’s not showing up.

    It should be a briefcase at the end of the icons.


    I see a briefcase. In fact I see a lot of briefcases.

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    I should have been more specific. I was referring to the briefcase icon in the dropbox link referenced above, here it is again:

    There should be a briefcase icon after the ‘Manage’ icon in the Group icons. Thanks.


    There’s no Jobs tab at all so it will never show a briefcase or any other icon for that matter. Is it something you only see when you’re logged in? If so, then I’ll need access to see what’s going on.

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