November 10, 2015 at 21:21 #86702
ParticipantHi there,
I was able to modify our default button colors in CSS, like so:
.btn-default:hover {background-color:#cccccc !important;}
But…how can we set the button’s font and font color?
November 11, 2015 at 15:52 #86789sharmstr
ModeratorLooks like you’ve added .btn-default to the button class. You need to remove the period. It should only be btn-default.
Once you do that, you can use
COPY CODE.btn-default { color: black !important; font-family: 'whatever'; }
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November 11, 2015 at 18:15 #86838broadsword
Participant@sharmstr – I’m not the best with CSS, and am wondering if we can use hex values to define the button color and the button text color, like so:
.btn-default {
color: #cccccc !important;
font-family: ‘whatever’;
font-color: #990000;
}November 11, 2015 at 21:09 #86865sharmstr
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November 15, 2015 at 01:11 #87300broadsword
Participant@sharmstr – ok, we added in our css blurb to the ‘quickCSS’ area in the theme’s general settings, and are calling the buttons like so:
[kleo_button title="What You Get" href="http://www.myselfdefensetraining.com/self-defense-training-what-you-get/" target="_self" style="highlight" size="lg" el_class=".btn-default"]
But, our buttons are still showing up as red, not grey as we’ve defined them in the CSS. Are we doing the shortcode configuration correctly?
November 15, 2015 at 02:22 #87302sharmstr
ModeratorI guess you missed this part?
Looks like you’ve added .btn-default to the button class. You need to remove the period.
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November 15, 2015 at 05:29 #87317broadsword
Participant@sharmstr – OK:
Here’s exactly how we have the css set up:
btn-default {
color: #cccccc !important;
font-family: ‘BlairMdITC TT-Medium’;
font-color: #990000;
font-style: ‘bold‘;
}Here’s exactly how we’re calling a button:
[kleo_button title="What You Get" href="http://www.myselfdefensetraining.com/self-defense-training-what-you-get/" target="_self" size="lg" style="highlight" el_class="btn-default"]
So, it’s (correctly) displaying the grey for the buttons, but it’s not displaying the font, the font style, or the font color. What are we doing wrong!?!
November 15, 2015 at 13:42 #87331sharmstr
ModeratorYou only needed to remove the period in the shortcode. You need it in the css.
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November 15, 2015 at 19:54 #87379broadsword
Participant@sharmstr – OK, almost there. Here’s the problem:
.btn-default {
color: #cccccc !important;
font-family: ‘BlairMdITC TT-Medium’;
font-color: ‘#990000’ !important;
font-style: ‘bold’;
}Apparently ‘font-color’ isn’t valid css, only ‘color’ is for text, so the correct font is now displaying, but it’s grey in color just like the buttons. Ergo, you can’t read the text.
I’m wondering how we style that font so that it’s #990000, and shows up legibly on the buttons.
November 15, 2015 at 22:20 #87407sharmstr
ModeratorIts gray because you have set the color to gray color: #cccccc !important;
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November 15, 2015 at 23:04 #87423sharmstr
Moderatorfont-style isnt valid either. its font-weight. and you shouldnt have quotes around bold. This should help: http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/
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