This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by sharmstr.

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  • #102827


    I am trying to insert a kleo give button in a post. But it fails, since the button shortcode is displayed in the post as plain text.  Attached are the two pictures.

    Am I missing something ?

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    That’s not a post. That’s a topic. They dont work in topics.

    A bit confusing because Kleo adds the shortcode selector to all backend text editors, but 99% of the time, topic will be created on the front-end where it doesnt show up.

    Alternatively, you can add button html.

    <a class="btn btn-default" href="">Button text</a>

    But bbpress overrides link styling (buttons are actually links), so you’ll also need some custom css to make it look like a button

    .main-color .btn-default {
        background-color: #f7f7f7 !important;
        border: 1px solid #eeeeee !important;
        padding: 10px 10px !important;
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    Moving because this isnt a bug.

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    This seems to work:

    But again, you’ll still need custom css to override bppress link styling.

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    Hello Shamstr,
    Thank you and good find on plugin. I get the shortcodes output, but like you said the styling is incorrect due to bbpress overriding. However the question that comes along is, do I need to override each and every shortcode content style ? That would be too much, more replication and harder to maintain. Is there an easier/ more efficient way to achieve this ? And you are correct 99% of topics which are by definition custom posts do come from front end, however I was trying to create something from administrator backend. Thanks for the help.



    I’m guessing you’d have to custom style most things. That’s on bbpress, not Kleo.

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    Fair point. But for now I only need the kleo GO button shortcode functionality. Can you please point to me the path and css file to be changed for the GO button shortcode to work with all of its special features such as fonts, highlights, border rounding, etc.


    That’s not Kleo either 🙂 The Go Button is a standard VC element. The thing to do is create a new page, add the go button shortcode and design it the way you want. View the page, right click on the button and click ‘inspect’. This will bring up your browsers developer console so you can see the related css.

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    Aww. Sorry for asking silly questions. But I am still figuring things out about web technologies and still learning to set my website up, so I hope this wont annoy you 🙂 Thanks for your input Sharmstr, I will continue to work on this and I am setting this ticket to resolved.


    Not a silly question. To be honest, I had no idea that shortcodes didnt working bbpress topics. Never had to need to put one in there. 🙂

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