This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years by kdelsimone.

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  • #180271

    Hello! I am using the Kleo Recent posts widget to display recent replies (using the reply post type) in my Buddypress/bbpress forums. It doesn’t seem to be working correctly for me for some reason. Here’s what I encounter:

    1) When I click an excerpt for a reply posted in a child forum, I’m taken to another page that displays only that post. In other words, I’m not taken to the forum where the post resides and therefore I’m not seeing it in context with the rest of the discussion (i.e., not also seeing the post(s) it is a reply to). Also, I’m not able to reply to that post at all from there.

    2) When someone clicks an excerpt for a reply posted in a parent forum, the same seems to happen except the post doesn’t display at all.

    It seems to work correctly when the post type is set to topic. That is, I’m taken to the post within its forum, as opposed to a separate page showing the post only. I can read the entire discussion and reply from there.

    I’ve activated the bbpress Recent Replies widget alongside of the Kleo Recent posts widget, and the direction seems to work correctly from the bbpress widget (i.e., goes to the post in the forum, not a separate page).

    How can I modify the Kleo widget so it links excerpts of reply posts to the post in the forum, not to a separate page?

    I hope this makes sense. It’s a little hard to explain in writing…

    Thanks in advance for your help!



    Thanks for reaching out to us about how post types work in WordPress & bbPress, what you describe is the way the reply post type should work. Each reply is it’s own post and therefore when you try to display it individually it will show individually.

    There would be two ways around this. One is to use the widget we provide to display topics and not replies and the second is to redirect the individual reply to the topic where it was created. The team over at bbPress support are uniquely qualified to assist you with this question, they even have a recent open topic on the same subject

    Please contact bbPress support for assistance on this matter and please let me know what the outcome is as it’s an interesting question.



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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    Aha! So it’s supposed to work that way. Too bad… 🙂 Looks like I need the second solution, which is the redirect to the topic where the reply was created. Thank you for doing the research and directing me to the bbpress topic. I’ll pursue this there and keep you posted. Thanks for your help, as always, Kieran! To be continued…


    Hi again, I’m still trying to work through this issue. Could you kindly direct me to where I might find the code for the Kleo widget in the theme file hierarchy?


    Sorry, just to clarify: I’m looking for the Kleo Recent Posts widget.



    You can find the recent posts widget in the below file, you will need to move it to your KLEO Child theme to safely edit it. If the file structure does not already exist in your KLEO Child theme you will need to recreate it.




    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    Thank you!! I thought I looked everywhere, but clearly I didn’t… 🙂

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