This topic has 16 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by King Heru.

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  • #39415
     King Heru


    On my home page I am not getting any reading on how many people are in my group. I just says Members, and there is no animation or anything going on even though I have members. I copied the code from the demo version and still get nothing happening.

    Please advise.


     King Heru

    And just so that I am clear I copied :

    [kleo_row][kleo_one][kleo_h2]Recently Active [kleo_colored_text color=”#F00056″] User Groups [/kleo_colored_text][/kleo_h2][/kleo_one]



    Hi, Does it work on the imported homepage?

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

     King Heru

    I don’t know what you mean by the imported homepage. I copied the code from the demo and placed it here. What do you mean by imported homepage?


    Please understand that using Sweetdate shortcodes in KLEO doesn’t work.. I told you this many times 🙂

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

     King Heru

    What are you talking about???

    I am using sweetdate! You are NOT paying attention to what I am saying.

    So once again….I am using SWEETDATE. On my home page…just like the demo version you have on theme forrest where it sys how many members you have in each group….I have used THE SAME short code for my site…and it isn’t working for me!

    When did I tell you that I was using shortcodes from sweetdate inside of Kleo???

    You are not reading what I’m saying and just giving the same generic answer over and over again without offering ANY help!

    Now I will probably have to wait another day in order to get half of a response!

    And you STILL did not tell me what you mean by “Does it work on the imported homepage?” <—-#1 what do you mean?

    #2 I AM USING sweetdate! I used the SAME code from the DEMO version of the site…and it is NOT working.

    If I was talking about Kleo…then wouldn’t I have posted this in the KLEO forum?

    How is this so difficult for you to understand???

     King Heru

    And BTW….YOU HAVE NEVER told me that “using Sweetdate shortcodes in KLEO doesn’t work”

    Show me where you told me that! I only have 7 topics so it should be easy for you to point out, right?? You are completely wrong and don’t realize that you don’t even know what you said and what you didn’t say!

    You didn’t say it once, let alone “many times”!


    I knew you opened several topics that were related to the same thing where you had pages with shortcodes from one on another theme 🙂

    About the imported page, I was referring if it works on the default homepage you get by importing the xml file provided by us.

    I’ll find you the topics where I told you this and let you know if you don’t remember.

    anyway getting back to what is important. .. if a shortcode is not interpreted there are several things to consider and one of them was the one we argued on.

    I am guessing that you have Buddypress plugin activated since is directly related to the plugin and otherwise that shortcode won’t work.

    Also providing a link to your site generally make the job easier

    I wish you nice holidays

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Here are the links related to the shortcodes you opened:

    Anyway if you say you are using Sweetdate the the shortcode is right [kleo_recent_groups] and it belongs to the theme. Try activating Buddypress plugin or share a link to your site

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

     King Heru

    You clearly don’t understand what I asked you so I will try to explain it a little slower this time.

    “using Sweetdate shortcodes in KLEO doesn’t work..I told you this many times ” <—-these are your words.
    So I asked you to show me where you “told me this”

    I know what I posted…and I also know what YOU DIDN’T say. And hopefully you know that you never “told me” that…not even once.

    You gave me links to the topics of the shortcodes that I opened, and you clearly haven’t read them yourself because not once in those topics did you tell me that, “using Sweetdate shortcodes in KLEO doesn’t work” …now did you? Yes or no?! Not once, let alone “many times”

    You are WRONG…period!

    Yes…I am using sweetdate, and I already have buddypress activated.

     King Heru
    This reply has been set as private.

    I see now your problem is not related to shortcodes but not giving screenshots or link I couldn’t understand what is the cause so having so many topics on the same related problem in the past I guessed it is related to that. Ok never mind that, let’s say that I was wrong since in your first post where I responded to you about that issue I haven’t mentioned shortcode and said imported demo.

    Let’s close this shortcode discussion since I don’t see the point of arguing on it since is resolved.

    Your current issue comes from some customization you did probably. You can fix it by adding this css:

    #groups .circular-item input {
        color: #777 !important;
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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

     King Heru

    Add it where? I don’t want to put it somewhere and have another issue. Can you point me in the right direction?

    I’m sure this is simple for you, but telling me to add it isn’t giving me a whole lot of information.

    Thanks for your help.


    Css is added in Sweetdate – Styling options – Quick CSS

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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

     King Heru

    okay, i found it, and it is showing the members…but it isn’t showing that blue bar on the circle.


    Hi, I think I saw where the problem comes from. PLease go to WP admin – Sweetdate – Buddypress – Profile header – Highlight Color and set it to a blue color instead of white.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

     King Heru

    Yeah, that did it! Thanks so much

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