This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by daphil.

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  • #57097

    BuddyPress 2.2 just introduced the concept of member types.
    E.g.: male/female, student/teacher/staff, etc.

    This feature has the potential to hugely enhance the theme.
    Example of new features, could be:
    -Enable to display/record different profile fields in “male” vs “female” profiles
    -Search to show only “male” or “female” automatically based on the user’s opposite gender


    So will this happen or not because it would really be helpful right now


    It would be good if this feature gave us a functionality to display the kind of results to each “member type” – which are based on their selected PROFILE fields: not only for the “gender” attribute but also for other fields chosen in the PROFILE or PREFERENCES section.
    Wouldn’t that be great?!

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