This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Adam.

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  • #23851

    In order to stay consistent with over-the-screen pop-ups and alerts, including the login/forgot password modals, I’d like to try using the same elements for other custom alerts we have.

    Right now I’m using a combination of javascript alert and slide-up banners here and there.

    Is there a slick way to duplicate the login modal functionality with other pop-ups? (UI controlled by separate template, activated by data-reveal code on clickable element, etc.)


    Pretty easy actually:

    1. Create HTML template for modal in /page-parts/
    2. ID the wrapper within the template “my_panel” or something
    3. In your footer.php, include the template with get_template_part (in my case, wrapped with some conditionals
    4. Whichever element is to trigger the loading of the modal, give it a data-reveal-id=”my_panel” (matching above)

    For the content of the modal, I used get_post_field so we can control the HTML of the modal in the CMS
    <?=get_post_field(post_content, 1901); ?>


    Next question:


    We want to pop this thing up when logged-in users log in next time.

    I’ll set a cookie when the close button is clicked, to prevent loading the next time.


    Hi Adam, since Sweetdate is built on Zurb Foundation 3.2.5 framework check their documentation on adding new modals

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    This can be closed – I found everything I needed at Foundation and just never returned to close this thread

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