This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Salle32.

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  • #83828


    I tried to solve some styling issues.

    Only Category pages the logo and Titeltext goes on the same spot.

    Could you please help me with some nice stylesheet code?

    I can´t find the right coding.

    Many Thanks!


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    The problem is present because you have used transparent menu for entire site, you can set only for homepage from example from Theme General Settings under each page content, but if you want to use transparent menu for whole site add this css to your wp-admin -> theme options -> general settings -> quick css

    .hentry header.entry-header {
        text-align: center;
        padding-top: 50px;

    Let me know if is ok

    Best Regards


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Uuuh!! You´re right!!
    Some cache that messed up while testing…
    Now it´s working without the code – just undid the “transparent header” on the theme options and changed the padding.
    Thank for good and fast answer!

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