This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by sharmstr.

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  • #44662

    The main blog page wont obey any other sidebar assignment other than the main sidebar. I click on edit page and then select another sidebar, it will only use the main one (widgets of the main sidebar are displayed)
    I have created sidebars for the main blog page(/blog) and the single blog pages. Single blog pages and other pages sidebars works fine.

    How can I fix that?

    Thanks in advance



    Try with this plugin :

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    Thanks, Certainly a nice plugin, but unfortunately didn’t help. This sidebar, like others wont change the sidebar/widgets of the /blog/ page.


    The page that is assigned as the blog page will take only the main sidebar as sidebar. No matter what sidebar you assign, or layout (1, 2 sidebars, etc) .Have you been able to replicate this issue?


    We can all replicate the issue. WP controls that, just like Buddypress controls their pages. For example, try typing something into the editor for the blog page. It doesnt display. WP takes over displaying any page you set to being your “blog” page. Just like Buddypress takes over pages like Register, Members, Activate, etc. I know its confusing because you see the sidebar option. Unfortunately it doest work for certain pages that are merely placeholders for processing that happens outside of the standard page routines.

    Instead of content aware sidebars, try using Widget Logic. You can use one sidebar, then set only certain widgets to display if its the blog page.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Thanks @Sharmstr for your very helpful explanation. I knew about the placeholder function of those pages, but I was seeking a workaround.
    I have the same with /ranks, /forums pages etc. They all use the main sidebar widgets and when I do, lets say !is_page( ‘forum’ ) for a widget it wont obey anyway. Widget will be still displayed.
    I use widget-logic for years. He also doesn’t do the job for the placeholder pages. Works fine on any other page. (single post, single forum etc.)

    So for now no sidebars at all for blog page and archives as in the Kleo demo, which is no bad at all btw.

    I presume their is no other way. Again Guys thanks for the help.


    Oh ok. Its hard to guess who knows what already around here 🙂

    These work for me

    Forums: is_bbpress() && !bp_is_members_component() && !bp_is_user()
    Blog: is_home()
    Members: bp_is_members_component()
    Members “own” profile: bp_is_home()

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact


    Oops, my bad. I used the wrong conditional tags. it is ” is_home()” and I used is_page( ‘blog’ ).

    Apologies , works fine. I will use your recommendations above. They work for me too.
    ..and take the customer satisfaction survey 😉



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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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