This topic has 34 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #112344

    On the members page, is it possible to remove the profile picture from the circle & make it fill the majority of the rectangular box, and then have the text occupy a couple of rows at the bottom of the box?  Thanks.


    Hello, can you share a screenshot of what you want exactly? 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    I haven’t got a screenshot yet Laura, but in each of the profiles on the members page, I’d like to remove the small round photo and instead have a normal size rectangular photo of the person, with their name, age etc. below the photo on 1 or 2 lines, and a send message icon below that.


    Hello, as its not an actual support question, its considered a custom request so i suggest to hire a developer to do the change for you as it requires some time and development that we do not offer right now 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Hi, I added the code you recommended in this thread specifically lines 10 to 23. I also added a ‘margin: 0;’ to bring the photo down inside the box. Now all I need to do is to make the picture rectangular instead of round (to fill up more of the box), and remove the round border around the picture. Is there a way to do this please?


    Ok, I saw that there is an option in Sweetdate to make the photos square rather than circular so I’ve enabled that. Is it possible to change the dimensions of the photo, so it’s more rectangular than square?

    Also, how I can edit what information is displayed underneath each photo (where it displays the name, sex, age etc.? Is it possible to add icons there e.g. a ‘Message’ icon, so that someone can click on it to message the user?


    … or an Add Friend button would be useful there too.


    Hello, by default buddypress adds the message and add friend button.
    You do not see them? If so, check you have all features enabled at Settings > Buddypress

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Hi, I may not have explained properly. I have a few questions regarding the layout of each profile on the Members page (Community -> Members):

    1) I have enabled square images on Sweetdate instead of the default round images, but how can I enlarge them so that they can be rectangular and a certain size?
    2) How can I adjust what is displayed underneath each image (name, age, sex, summary etc.), as I only need name, age & location?
    3) Underneath each profile picture, instead of the ‘View Profile’ button (which I have removed), I would like a Message icon and maybe a couple of other icons from a couple of plugins that I have. How can I insert icons into there?

    Many thanks.


    for 1- Try adding this to style.css and edit the size as you prefer

    div#item-header-avatar {
        width: 400px;
        height: 400px;
    #profile .row {
        width: 1240px;
    [class*="column"]+[class*="column"]:last-child {
        float: left !important;
        margin-left: 190px;

    For the other issues those are custom requests and not actual theme issues so i suggest to hire a developer to do it for you as right now we only offer quick changes

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Thanks Laura, but this made changes to the individual profile page, not the page I needed. I wanted to make changes to the list of profiles that you see on the Members page (Community -> Members, on your demo website). I have 4 profiles in a row, but I wanted to make the pictures bigger, adjust what what written underneath them (age, location etc.), and also add the ‘message’ button underneath that.


    Hello, please check the Settings > Buddypress features to see if you have messages activated 🙂
    To change what is at age, gender etc… check 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Hi, thanks for the link. I have messages already activated, I’m not sure if I made myself clear… the changes I need are regarding the Members page (Community > Members). On your demo, there isn’t any message button under each picture either, but is it possible to add this? Also, can I change the dimensions of the profile pictures (I’ve already enabled square images)? Many thanks.


    Hello, you should see the message button if you are logged in, if you dont please share admin credentials so i can check it out 🙂
    What sizes do you want for the profile picture?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Hi, on the Members Directory page there isn’t any Message button under each person’s picture. I’ve removed the ‘View profile’ button, but that’s where I would like the Message button in its place.

    Regarding the profile pictures on the Members Directory page, I would like to make them around 160 * 170px.. so height a bit more than width. Many thanks.


    Hello, can you share access so i can check it out? 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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    Hello, will assign the ticket to a higher support level who can help and advise you in your query.
    Thanks! 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Thanks Laura, still waiting for someone to help, will they message me?

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    This reply has been set as private.

    You’ll see that I asked how to display the ‘Message’ button not the ‘Add Friend’ button, which I don’t need, earlier in this thread:

    Hi, on the Members Directory page there isn’t any Message button under each person’s picture. I’ve removed the ‘View profile’ button, but that’s where I would like the Message button in its place.

    Do you know how to do this?

    Regarding my second point, how can I change the size of the profile pictures on the same page, so they fill most of the container (I have made them square instead of round)?

    Many thanks.



    Sorry for the confusion.

    For the member avatars you can change the size of the image by following this article :

    For the send message button on members directory, i don’t have a quick solution to provide to you, but you can follow this link : where users aready discussing about that and providing solutions.



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    Hi Radu, regarding increasing the size of the profile images, I meant the ones on the Members Directory page, as the code in the link you gave me doesn’t seem to work for this purpose.


    Hi again,

    Ok in this case please copy this file : /wp-content/themes/kleo/buddypress/members/members-loop.php
    to : /wp-content/themes/kleo-child/buddypress/members/members-loop.php

    then open the file /wp-content/themes/kleo-child/buddypress/members/members-loop.php look for this code around line 43

    <a href="<?php bp_member_permalink(); ?>"><?php bp_member_avatar(); ?></a>

    And replace with replace 200 px with your desired values.



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    Thanks Radu, but could you let me know instructions for Sweetdate please? In the members-loop.php file, there is already a similar line:

    <a href="<?php bp_member_permalink(); ?>"><?php bp_member_avatar('type=full&width=94&height=94&class='); ?></a>

    however changing the ’94’ values didn’t make any difference.


    Sorry this is the file /wp-content/themes/sweetdate/members/members-loop.php copy the file in /wp-content/themes/sweetdate-child/members/members-loop.php then around line 28 you will see bp_member_avatar(‘type=full&width=94&height=94&class=’); or bp_member_avatar(); and replace it with

    bp_member_avatar( ‘type=thumb&height=200&width=200’ ); or your desired size



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    Thanks Radu, I did this but it didn’t make any difference…


    Do you have child theme installed and activated ?

    If you have a cache plugin, purge the cache



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    Hi Radu, sorry for the delay… yes I have the Sweetdate Child Theme installed & activated, I didn’t have a cache plugin. Even when I made the change in the original file /wp-content/themes/sweetdate/members/members-loop.php it didn’t help…



    Very odd, Try also this solution :


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    Hi Radu, I also tried that before, but with no luck! Not sure if there is a problem with my setup.



    Try to increase the avatar size with this plugin :

    Also try to write in members-loop.php from child something like


    then look if the code appears on page if the code appears the changes are made on the page…


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    Thanks Radu, but even that didn’t work. I’d rather not use plugins if I don’t have to, is there something wrong with my code if your previous suggestions were meant to work?

    Also, the Members Online page is not showing on mobile devices (gets redirected to homepage), is there a reason why?

    Many thanks.


    I’ve provided you various solution to achieve that, but it seems that no work no one for you but for others yes, try to re-upload the theme files over the existing theme files, disable all plugins when you doing that also disable child theme.

    Regarding the redirecting to homepage from members directory… this can be caused by some code from child theme or by some plugin.

    Re-download the theme from themeforest then re-upload the theme files via FTP to wp-content/themes/sweetdate

    All the solutions above should work…


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