This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Laura.

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  • #111306


    I purchased Kleo theme yesterday and have a few issues
    1. My logo banner appears small although it is 1240px * 150px, I would like t be full size like
    2. The menu icon on small screens does not allow me to click on any menu item. When I click on menu icon, it

    appears and disappears quickly in all browsers before I have the chance to click on a menu item or a plus for submenu.

    3. I would like to have different sidebars in some pages showing different widgets (home, activity) and no sidebars on other pages such as about us.The kleo theme layout only gives me an option of having a wide layout or a layout wih a permanent sidebar – Any chance to add sidebar with different widgets as wished?
    4. When a buddypress or any user login to buddypress via the buddypress login widget at the homepage, they are redirected to a blank profile page after loging in
    Can you please assist to fix that?
    5. My profile page ony has one field: Name. I would like to have my profile page with more field´s lie in your profile page demo. How do I achieved his?
    6.A shopping basket icon appears with sublinks on the main menu,how d I please remove it?
    7. I would like the user to get to his profile page after logging into buddypress, how do I do it?
    8. I would like to hide the order menu item at the buddypress profile page, how?
    9. I have manually installed social articles. However, I do not see any option to create articles when logged in budypress. If it is the las icon at the profile page with + ont it, it is nt clickable.


    Hello, i see, please do the following:
    1- Add this to style.css of child theme to fix the logo size 🙂

    .navbar-header {
        height: 150px !important;
    .logo img {
        width: 1240px;

    2- Did you try deactivating some plugins and testing again? 🙂
    3- Try a widget visibility plugin that lets you select which widget show at certain pages
    4- Delete any default login link and use the theme login menu item found at Appearance > Menus > KLEO, you need to have it checked at Screen Options ( a the top of the page )
    5- At Users > Profile fields, you will be able to add field groups and fields 🙂
    6- Add this to style.css

    a.cart-contents.mheader {
        display: none;

    7- Using the KLEO Login and try with this plugin
    8- Check
    9- Social Articles should create a new menu item at your profile, make sure you have buddypress well setup at Settings > Buddypress > Pages

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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