This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Timo.

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  • #20918

    Hello Team,

    I have problems with my buddypress system on a wp multisite installation with the kleo theme. I created the pages activity, members and groups and assigned them in Settings –> buddypress –> pages to the activity, members and groups pages. But when I watch all three pages, I see an empty page. On the activity page I see after entering the page also nothing but there is the difference, that when I click on ‘All members 10’, then I see the content.

    Empty members page

    The crazy thing is when I go about with the mouse on the empty content, I see the hover effect so I guess there is something invisible. Also I can click when the hover effect is shown and the profile of the invisible user is displayed.

    I investigated the ‘invisible parts’ with firebug and found out, that when I change the class animated, the parts become visible. So I guess, maybe the class ‘animated’ causes the error?

    On a singlesite installation with the same settings the theme works without problems.

    I would be very happy, if you could please help me.



    Please send me a link to your website to be able to replicate your issue.

    Thank you,

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    I found a solution.
    I before writing this post, I tried to deactivate all plugins. But because that didn’t solved the problem, I thougt this was not the issue. But I forget that I had multiside wide plugins activated, so the VisualComposer wasn’t deactivated.

    Now I tried again to deactivate also the visual composer and now everything is shown. Good!

    I didn’t installed the Visual Composer which was brought with kleo, so I guess maybe it’s an other version?

    All the same, I don’t need the visual composer yet.

    So the Issue is solved.

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