This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by Laura.

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  • #45355

    This may be a buddy press question – I think – not sure if it’s the theme. But I changed the text for Friend Requests to “Connections/Connect” etc.

    So in the bp-friends-template.php I changed everything to Connections/Connect etc. So in the members loop it asks to Connect. When they click “Connect” (Which is the add friend button) it displays “Cancel Friendship Request” even though n bp-friends-template it says “Cancel Connection Request”.

    However, if I refresh the members page – it will say “Cancel Connection Request” like it should. It’s so strange. Is there a temp file somewhere that displays this? I just can’t understand why it still displays “Cancel Friendship Request” and where it’s pulling from. And then to show correctly when page is refreshed.

    Likewise, when I cancel the request on the members loop – it will say “Add Friend” again instead of Connect. But then if I refresh it correctly shows “Connect” that was changed on bp-friends-template.php

    This only happens in the members page – not when I request to connect on the actual profile page.

    Anybody know where this is still pulling from and where I can change it?

    Thank you.


    Hello, you shouldnt change php files, never, when buddypress update you will lose those changes, also, you can just translate buddypress and kleo to change the word from there, using for example codestyling localization plugin. But never, never change php files.

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Thanks for the tip but that’s not true at all about PHP files. That’s why they make “Child Themes” That’s why there is bp-custom.php. That’s why people need backup copies for and making the changes on a staging or local site and testing first before uploading to live site would be needed. Anyway – Thanks


    Hello, php files should not be changed if its to translate something, thats why people create translation plugins, thats why .po and .mo files exist.
    Also, to change a word, its easier to change it with a plugin that changing php files, and my job is to guide you to the easier option.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    I TOTALLY misunderstood you before and I’m so sorry about that. You are so right!!! Your response earlier put me on a quest and I was able to change SO MUCH text on my site through Poedit etc. I wish I knew that a long time ago but I know it now. So I apologize for misunderstanding earlier and in the long run you have just saved me SO MUCH TIME! I can’t thank you enough Laura.


    Hello, no problem 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Hi Laura,

    Can you guide me on how to make the .po and .mo file work? I do have PoEdit and did the translation. I moved both .po and .mo files to plugin/buddypress folder. What else do I need to do to make it work? Thanks!!


    Hello, place buddypress .po and .mo inside wp-content/languages/plugins

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂


    Thank you Laura! Worked perfectly!


    Glad it worked 🙂

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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