This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #21566

    I´ve tried to register to your demo theme

    I notice that after activating my email
    following message is shown with red background:
    Your membership account is awaiting approval by the site administrator. You will not be able to fully interact with the social aspects of this website until your account is approved. Once approved or denied you will receive an email notice.

    Same message is shown above the profiles and any other user profile.

    I like that and I would like to have it on my theme aswell.

    Is there any theme update that I´ve missed?
    I dont know which theme version I have, since it´s not shown under “theme information”

    How do you guys manage this theme?

    A mayor issue of this theme is that the percentage of people that actually manage to upload their picture is lower than 20 % or less on my website.

    Many users don´t manage to register properly.

    I´ve used a code of this forum to filter out the registation WITHOUT photos.

    I´m sending each one who doesnt register with a picture an email, telling them to upload a picture to their profile in order to activate the profile and to appear on the website.
    In fact no one ever reacts to the email and don´t bother uploading their pictures.

    I think this has to do that at registation, they are not directed to their profile.

    After registration they should be directed directly to their profile and not to the homepage.
    I guess many just don´t unserstand how they should enter their profile after registration.

    and there should be always this red box above the profile, indicating that they HAVE to upload their picture and fill out their picture in order that it will be activated and appear on the members page.

    I would like to replace the default avatar picture with a text:
    Please upload your picture now to activate your profile with an arrow the bottom (click here)

    I´m sure this change with lower the % of users that don´t upload their picture and just dont bother afterwards because they´ve already lost interest in the website I suppose.

    I´m using following plugins btw:

    BP Disable Activation Reloaded

    This plugin deactivates the account activation through email and directs to the user to main page after registaion, but not to the profile page.

    BuddyPress login redirect:

    This plugin reddirects the user to the profile page after log in, but not after registration.

    Also the users should recieve a automatically generated WELCOME email after registration.
    This would also help to save a lot of time.

    Do you plan an upload of the theme to adress the upper mentioned topics?
    I think it would be better if you would integrate more features, in order to not to depend on hundreds of mediocre plugin.

    This is way the website could be run more automatically with less administration.


    Hi, that message comes from a plugin we installed on the demo so the demo users won’t show unless we approve them. The plugin is BP Registration options.
    Have you tried Peter’s redirect because I remember it has a post registration redirect.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    ok it works I´ll be running a test month now to see if it improves the ratio of members who upload their profile pictures.


    that plugin that you mentioned for registration approval ( ) says it works up to 3.5.2, and I am on wp 3.9.1…. is there any other plugins that would have the same effect, I am having trouble finding a solution.



    that should work even though it says that version

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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