This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Abe.

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  • #39214

    Looking for a way to have non members see member only content along side normal post. But have a badge, I’m thinking like the new badge on woo, if it’s member only content. Then when they click on it we can get them to sign up.


    Hi, that will imply some custom coding and styling. Consider hiring a developer to help.


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    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Okie Dokie couple quick question… Does the Kleo theme or Paid Membership Pro cause the post from not being viewable in the post list page, and is there a way to style the page you see when your trying to view Pro content, were it says your must login to view this content?


    Hi, It could be related to PMPRO settings. Make sure you haven’t checked the post categories on each level edit since that will restrict those categories only to the users having the level you are editing.
    to style/edit that text you should go to WP admin – Memberships – Advanced.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.

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