This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years by iggy.

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  • #38636


    I removed the WP dashboard and integrated the user items into the regular menu. However, most items which are available in the admin dashboard are now not available (e.g. mentions, favorites, etc.). I would like to implement the complete items which are available in the admin dashboard into the normal header menus.

    Would appreciate any hint for that.

    Many thanks.


    Assuming you mean Admin Bar and not Admin Dashboard.

    If you go to Apperance – Menus and open the Kleo section, you’ll see the directions to do that

    With BuddyPress installed you can add a link to your profile with ##profile_link## in the URL input from Links section bellow. Example: ##profile_link##/messages

    Be sure to add the full path. Example for mentions: ##profile_link##/activity/mentions

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    My apologies…Yes, of course the Admin Bar. However, you just made my day. Thank you very much…that was the trick….kept missing the “activity” part.

    Much obliged!


    I did the same thing when I was testing it 🙂

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    I am sorry I totally understand how to link profile in the menu to the profile page, thing is, I cannot find a Link section to put the Link in. All I get is 404, regardless if profile page, messages etc.
    If I use just Links to add in the menu, it doesn’t work either..

    What did I do wrong? Please help!


    Click on screen options in the upper right hand corner and enable it.

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    Still not showing in the menu options..


    Are you doing this?

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    Silly question, but do you have buddypress active? If so, try resaving your permalinks WP Admin – Settings – Permalinks. Make sure you have something other than the default and click save.

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    Can you respond privately with a link and credentials so I can see whats going on?

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    Yes, its private. We need admin. Create a temp account that you can disable later.

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    You dont have a members page associated with Buddypress.

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