This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by mitchcan.

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  • #112259


    Been looking but can’t find the file that allows me to modify the words:

    “It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help.”

    I need to tweak that some, and have it say something different on a specific page template.

    Where is the file that contains that language? And can I just copy it to the child theme and make changes that will work on a specific layout?




    Or do it the correct way and translate it.

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    Well color me corrected. 🙂

    I had previously used the Code Localization plugin, but it was throwing a bunch of errors and I was getting impatient in some testing I was doing, so I thought I’d just change the files.

    I should have kept at it or looked for another option. I didn’t know of this Loco Translate plugin, and just tried it. Works like a champ. Thanks @sharmstr for always rocking. 🙂

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