This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Laura.

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  • #152115

    Hi there,

    I’m not sure if the title of this post is formulated correctly and if this isn’t a plugin question, but here we go.

    I’m building a site to improve the matching process between non-profit organisations focused on stray-dogs and possible adopters.

    So let’s say I’m a non-profit organisations and in my shelter there are 10 former stray-dogs for which I’m trying to find a forever home.

    Can I setup the theme, and the matching, process in such a way that a organisation can place these 10 dogs from one profile? And than configure the matching process in such a way that it considers each dog as a seperate entry? The end goal would be that this organisation doesn’t have to create 10 different user profiles.

    I hope this question is clear:s

    Thanks in advance!


    Hello, i understand the project, its a very nice idea.
    Right now buddypress doesnt have that feature, but you could use a listing plugin and each user should be able to post a listing for each dog, just as a directory website
    For example geodirectory has a good compatibility with our themes 🙂

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

    If you like the theme or the support you've received please consider leaving us a review on Themeforest!

    Always happy to help you 🙂

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