This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Radu.

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  • #135741

    Hi there,


    I’ve inserted buttons to my slider with an action > Simple link > target address, but it won’t work on the front end.

    I’ve tried adding the target directly in the text of the button, I’ve tried changing it to call to action, I’ve changed the button’s position to every place possible, but it still won’t work.

    I’ve tried importing the button directly from one of your demo, but on the front end it still doesn’t do anything.

    Can you please have a look and let me know?



    Can it be


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    I saw that but there is’a simple div that contain that text, there is no a href tag so you cannot click on the text because doesn’t have any link

    So, add link to that button


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    Hi Radu,

    I’ve tried that already and it still doesn’t work.
    I’ve tried adding a link with the rev slider option in Action>Click>Simple link.
    I’ve tried to enclose my button text into a href tag.
    I’ve tried to just go to the next slide in rev slider option >action>click>next slide (no links involved).

    Basically none of what I’ve tried, worked, my button remains unclickable.
    I’ve browsed many sites on revolution slider and how to create a button, followed tutorials etc but my button remains inactive.
    I can’t understand why.

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    Just add this css to wp-admin -> theme options -> general settings -> quick css

    .tp-static-layers {
        position: initial !important;


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    That seems to have made the trick! thank you very much!
    But I thought that that would be a native option coming with revolution slider.
    I haven’t made any changes in the css for rev slider until now, how come I have to add this for my buttons to work, do you know? I’m just trying to understand 🙂


    All buttons should work without any problem from now


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