This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years by kriscone.

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  • #3758

    More of a feature request but could add some integration with myCRED and BadgeOS plugins? They are both very popular and very buddypress intesnsive plugins.

    The issue I am having is with myCRED at the moment. When I view my own or another mission history the history shows as a overlay on top of the site instead of in the body like it should. It covers the menu and profile information.


    Here is what the myCRED support had to say about the issue:

    myCRED comes with very little built-in styling which means that if items seem “out of place” it is usually because of the CSS styling applied to them via your current theme (sometimes other plugins).

    Check what styling is applied to this bar, could be that a default styling is applied to the table element (which is what is used for the history) pushing it up into the corner.


    Hi, Quick fix for you 🙂

    Add this css in Sweetdate -> Styling options -> Quick css:

    .fixed.log-entries {position:static;}
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Worked perfect! Thank you.


    Hi Josiah,

    can I see your site? I am curious to see what you did.. thanks


    Of course.
    I have mycred up and running but have not yet implemented BadgeOS.


    Hi thanks for sharing. Just wanted to see how that works out. Thanks again


    HEllo Josiah, I see you are not using BadgeOs with buddypress.

    Did you try? I see it is not working for me..


    I would be interested in the BadgeOs as well….

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