July 3, 2013 at 11:57 #242
Participantis there anyway to create a full width homepage- no sidebar just like the frontend template but with out the main background image or the search box.
Basically i would like to create a full width no sidebar homepage. no breadcrumbs line. Or have the ability to add a slider instead of the homepage image or the search box.
July 3, 2013 at 11:57 #233djtreble12
ParticipantHi, I love the theme.
Quick question. I am using a plugin called icarousel its basiclly a slider. Instead of the static background and search box i would like my logo and the slider below it. my question is how to i remove the image and search box. but keep the rest of the content below it
July 3, 2013 at 19:24 #248rugwarrior
ParticipantHi djtreble12,
please do not open more than one topic per question.
You can disable the breadcrumbs line in the “Styling options” and there is also the option to set the “Layout settings” and there the “Site Layout” to “Wide” and the “Default Layout” to “No sidebar”.
To hide the home page form you need to comment this in header.php : like //render_user_search();
Or create a new “static” site in WordPress and set it via “Appearance” -> “Customize” -> “Static Front Page”.
Kind regards
July 3, 2013 at 19:26 #249rugwarrior
ParticipantJuly 3, 2013 at 19:59 #252djtreble12
ParticipantThe only issue i have now is that there is a very large gap between the menu & the actual start of the page. how do i fix that?
July 3, 2013 at 20:53 #256SQadmin
KeymasterHi djtreble12,
I think you need to make first a smaller logo, crop or something, with maxim height of 110px and then go to admin – sweetdate/styling otpions/quick css box and enter the following:
#header {
padding-bottom: 0;
}Let me know if this helps you.
Best regards,
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