This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by SQadmin.

  • Author
  • #1668
     Santos Ramos

    I have being trying co set up the theme and is going ok.
    Here are my questions:

    1) My square avatar is set to off but on the site all I see is square avatar.

    2) I still ca’t see how to change the search box to look like the sweet travel theme.

    Buddypress/ Homepage setting/ Register form/ mixed form.
    I change it but it dos not look like your site.
    Smoker, car type, going from, going to.
    Where d I change the text that goes on the search box? ( Find others going your way so you can Car-Share together.)

    3) where do I change the text bellow.

    It all starts with a Date

    You find us, finally, and you are already in love. More than 5.000.000 around the world already shared the same experience and uses our system. Joining us today just got easier!

    4) How do I make the users groups to appear bellow ( Recently Active User Groups )

    Thanks for the help!


    1) You need to go to Sweetdate -> Miscellaneous -> Use squared avatar images -> ON

    2) To change the search box go to Sweetdate -> Budypress -> Search form customization

    3) You need to edit the page named Home. From wordpress admin go to Pages

    4) Just add new Buddypress groups and they will appear.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
     Santos Ramos


    1) The problem is that I don’t want to have square icons and the square button is set to off but I still get the square icons.
    2) I know i have to go to Budypress > Search customization to change it to search but when I change it I sonly see the search box. How do I add the car type, Smoker ( yes or no ) Going from and going to?

    ALso, how do I change the tex above the search options? ( Find others going your way so you can Car-Share together.
    Save money, cut your carbon and have fun! Great for both drivers and passengers. )

    3) Where do I change the video and images bellow Sweet stories from our Travelers?



    1. If is set to off then some images in site should be rounded. What image do you say it is not rounded? PLease give more details,links, etc, anything that helps us identifying your problem.
    2. Before that you have to define your profile fields from Users-> Profile fields. After that you go to Sweetdate -> Buddypress and check the fields you want to appear. Also Sweetdate -> Buddypress for the text above the form
    3. Those are articles added to your blog that display there. Edit the respective posts

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution
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