This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years by vanaila.

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  • #6944

    hi, i’m running a multisite install. when new users register, i can only see them under the user panel in network admin section, not the main site user panel.
    i think it may be related to bbpress, but not sure. when i check the ‘auto assign role’ box in settings, i can see users in both sections. but when i uncheck, i can only see new users in network admin.
    my site has 2 different types of users (which i use a plugin for…but don’t worry, the plugin isn’t the issue because it’s deactivated). so i need this to be unchecked. when i deactivate bbpress all together, users are only registered i network admin.
    is this something related to the theme?


    just thought of something additional…i’m ok if this box is checked. the issue is when bbpress autoassigns roles, it interferes with their primary role. i want their primary role to be a subscriber (as an example), when i edit the user, their role is blank. it’s like bbpress over rides this, makes them a participant but makes their primary role blank.


    Hi, It doesn’t have to do with the theme. You need to see how the process of adding users works. make sure the users are activating their account

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    I think that I may have the same problem.

    Is there a way to check that they did active theit account, or to activate automatically the account?


    See pending activations:

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution


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