This topic has 18 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years by Laura.

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  • #114793


    I have noticed that when a new user creates a new account ( he or she can choose a user name such as Bob Smith with a space between Bob and Smith. But when that user tries to login after activating his or her account the only username that is allowed is BobSmith with no space.

    Is this not a bit confusing? Is there a way to change this function so that the actual username the user chooses is recognised at login or a message is added to the registration form to say that no spaces are allowed?

    Also, could there be an option to allow the user to login with their username or email address instead of just username? This would be good also.

    Many thanks,



    Following up on the last question, is there a way to remove the automatic email that is sent out to confirm a new user and just have new users register seamlessly to use the site, but with some kind of captcha or something to stop spammers? I am having trouble with automatic registration emails not arriving to my new users or arriving in their spam.


    I would appreciate if someone could get back to me regarding this issue so that I can get is resolved asap and move forward.
    Many thanks,


    Hello, you can edit the fields at Users > Profile fields, and add a note about the space 🙂
    And for the email, just install and activate the plugin BP Disable activation reloaded

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

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    The users-profile fields only lets me add a note to the “profile details” part of the new account sign up. But I would need to add a note to the “account details” part of the new account sign up where the new user chooses a username.
    I don’t think it lets me access the “account details” part via my dashboard (I may be wrong?) so how do I add a note to the “username” option?
    Or, even better, is it not possible to allow usernames with spaces?
    Regarding the plugin you suggested, I had already checked that plugin out but it hasn’t been updated in a long time and I prefer not to use it. Do you know of another way or another plugin? Do you think it’s a bad idea to bypass the automatic registration activation emails?
    Many thanks,


    Hello, sorry for the late reply, the plugin works fine, and no i dont know another one.
    About the field, it doesnt let you edit the base group?
    Can you share admin credentials so i can check it out?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

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    Hello, credentials didnt work, please let me know 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

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    Hello, i am able to edit it, i do not see the issue there.
    Please check the screenshot
    Make sure you are doing it at Users > Profile fields

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

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    Hi Laura,
    Your screenshot shows how to add a message to the part of the new user registration process where the new user adds his or her “Profile details”, but I want to add a message to the side of the process where the new user adds their “Account details” and chooses his or her “Username”. This is different to the “Profile” name. Please check my screenshot of the two different sections.
    With the “Profile” name there isn´t a problem. But with the “Username” the site only lets a new user choose a username without spaces. If I were to sign up as the username “Adam Skelton”, for example, the page refreshes itself but does or states nothing. The new user then presumes there was some mistake and tries again with the same details. This time they are accepted, but they can only log in with a version of the same username minus spaces i.e. “AdamSkelton”. However they aren´t to know this and it is all very confusing.
    For sure I will lose potential sign ups like this. So ideally I would like usernames to be accepted with spaces, however the new user chooses to set their username. Or to be able to add a short message beside the “Username” box of the “Account details” so that they know they can´t use spaces for their username.
    Please could you take another look and advise.
    Many thanks,

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    Hi again Laura,
    I just noticed that some of my website users who registered longer ago have been set up with usernames that included spaces. Laura Garrido Eslava, for example, chose a username with spaces (Laura Garrido Eslava) and was successfully granted the user name laura-garrido-eslava.
    That is what I would like to still be happening now, but it isn’t, as I have previously explained.
    I wonder if you can work out what has happened to change this. Has it been due to a Kleo update or is it something I have done???
    Thanks again,


    Hello, there is a difference between the username and the Name
    The username cant have spaces, the Name can.
    The Name is the one shown everywhere and the username is used for mentions and to login
    To edit the register page you need to edit register.php file, bt first copy t to the child theme and edit it there, so you dont lose the changes

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

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    Hi Laura,
    I don’t understand why a few months ago I was able to create usernames with spaces such as “adam-skelton”, but suddenly it stopped allowing this. I definitely have a few usernames that were set up with spaces and now have a “-” so it was allowed at one time. I haven’t altered the register php file so I don’t know why this would have changed.
    Could you clarify if the default Kleo theme lets you use spaces with a username or does not let you use spaces.


    Hello, please check the following

    It was a buddypress bug

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Hi Laura,
    Thank you very much for looking into this. I won´t take up any more of your time.
    I am still not that happy with this bug of Buddypress as it makes the set up of a new account confusing for new users. But I will look into adding a note to the registration form instructing users to only choose usernames with lowercase letters and without spaces.
    Kind regards,


    Hello, i am sorry about this issue, maybe a developer could create a workaround for you.
    Let me know if you have any other issue and i will be happy to help you 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Don´t worry Laura. Thanks a lot for your help anyway.
    Yes, I have got a little list of outstanding things I am planning to get a developer to take a look at and I have added this to it.
    All my best,


    Let me know if you need anything else 🙂

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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