This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years by Radu.

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  • #206346

    Hi there

    I’m trying to implement Paid Memberships Pro in conjunction with Buddypress and can’t work out how to make the registration form work as I would expect.

    What I would LIKE to happen –

    New user selects a membership level (actually there’s only one so if they could be taken straight to the registration page even better!) and is then presented with a screen where they can fill in the relevant Buddypress info (including extra fields) then click on a submit button to make their payment.

    Unfortunately no matter I what I try, PMP continues to show its own registration fields not the Buddypress form.

    I’ve even tried installing the PMP – BuddyPress Add On which has a setting to select the PMP Levels page or the BuddyPress Registration page but that doesn’t seem to making any difference either.

    Am I approaching this the wrong way, have I missed a setting somewhere or am I expecting something that’s going to take more work to achieve?

    With many thanks in advance.


    Hello, will assign the ticket to a higher support level who can help and advise you in your query.
    Thanks! ?

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    Laura Solanes - Graphic Designer and Web Designer

    Please be patient as I try to answer each topic as fast as i can.

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    Always happy to help you 🙂



    Any user to can chose a membership they should have a wp account first from what i know so after that choosing a package will be possible.

    So the flow shuold be

    1. Create wp account and completing buddypress fields from default register page /register

    2. Redirect all users to buy a package after that in member levels page from pmrpo

    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'my_membersip_restrict' );
    function my_membersip_restrict() {
        global $pmpro_pages, $post;
        if ( is_user_logged_in() && !pmpro_hasMembershipLevel() ) {
            if (isset($post->ID) && !in_array($post->ID, $pmpro_pages)) {
                wp_redirect( pmpro_url() );

    The snippet will be pasted in wp-content/themes/kleo-child/functions.php

    NOTE : The Kleo Child Theme needs to be installed and activated.

    3. All non paying users will be trapped in membership levels page.

    So this it’s a flow that can be modified for your needs.

    Not very familiar how pmpro addon interwork with buddypress you can ask them.


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    Hi Radu

    Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately that would seem to mean that sign-up would become a two-part process ie. users sign-up for Buddypress but are only prompted for payment when they try to log in which is definitely not ideal and quite frankly rather confusing.

    I think/hope I may have found a better solution by using the PMPro sign-up page with the Register Helper to gather additional information which is then synced with the Buddypress profile fields. It’s still not ideal and I’m quite surprised that BP and PMPro don’t work better together but appreciate that’s not necessarily a “theme issue”.

    I do appreciate your input which has at least proved that I’m probably not overlooking another simpler solution.




    No problem but from what i know pmpro register helper may do what you need , you can ask the plug dev if may do exactly what you need


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