I get an error when manually activating users from admin panel.
The FAQ thread is this: https://archived.seventhqueen.com/forums/topic/show-users-in-site-right-before-account-activation
Error: Missing argument 2 for kleo_add_member_activity() in functions.php, it is also missing argument 3.
The error relate top the function line in this code:
add_action(‘bp_core_activated_user’, ‘kleo_add_member_activity’);
function kleo_add_member_activity($user_id, $key, $user )
add_user_meta( $user_id, ‘last_activity’, date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”));
You can see the errors here: http://s25.postimg.org/p0daty527/Pending_Error.png
If this is be course of the Base profile fields, where can i change the code to fit my fields on registration form/page ?
All the best