This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years by SQadmin.

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  • #2522

    In the theme, when I click “Add Friend”, the email shows up in the friend’s account, the “1” appears above their profile link, but in the profile, the friend request doesn’t show up and there’s no way to accept it.

    Any ideas?


    That should appear.
    Strange. DO you have a link to check? Send it to

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    Same problem here
    How did you manage to solve it ?


    I haven’t yet, but I sent in the URL of my site to support; hopefully they should be able to help us out.


    OK Thanks!!!
    Apparently the issue is known at buddypress, but they didn’t find an easy way to solve it


    I’m working on the issue and I think I have a clue

    , do you know which “requests.php” file I can modify to really change the friend requests page ?
    I’ve tried to modify the ones from buddypress and the custom ones from sweetdate, but none of my modifications are visible.


    @sqadmin @wattsjmw : It’s solved

    File to modify :
    sweetdate/members/single/friends/requests.php, line : 3

    Just delete “type=alphabetical&” and you’re done.


    Great! It worked. Thank you so much for your help.


    You’re welcome !!!


    Great @luckpo,
    Thanks for sharing the solution with us

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