This topic has 16 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Kieran_SQ.

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  • #166330


    I’m getting these php errors when checking with Query Monitor

    See 3 attached files…



    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hi Karen,

    It looks like you have an issue with the code that you’re using to redirect WooCommerce in some way via functions.php – could you please update this ticket with administrative access to WordPress and a copy of your php error log so I can look into this for you.



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    You’re right it’s the redirect code to get vendors to be redirected to their dashboard which still does not work sadly (previously reported to you guys and also spoken to WCVendors who tell me the code is perfect).

    Code in functions.php:
    /* WC Vendors – Redirect Vendors to Vendor Dashboard on Login using KLEO LOGIN POP-UP */
    add_filter(‘kleo_modal_login_redirect’, ‘wc_dashboard_login_redirect’);
    function wc_dashboard_login_redirect( $redirect_to, $user ) {
    // WCV Pro Dashboard
    if (class_exists(‘WCV_Vendors’) && class_exists(‘WCVendors_Pro’) && WCV_Vendors::is_vendor( $user->id ) ) {
    $redirect_to = get_permalink(WCVendors_Pro::get_option( ‘dashboard_page_id’ ));

    return $redirect_to;


    This is what I’m seeing over and over in my error log:
    Missing argument 2 for wc_dashboard_login_redirect(), called in /home/consciouscraftie/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 298 and defined in /home/consciouscraftie/public_html/wp-content/themes/kleo-child/functions.php on line 133

    This reply has been set as private.

    Hi Karen,

    Please can you update the following to see if this resolves your issue

    – Update KLEO to the latest release (see updates)
    – Install & activate the required plugin K Elements (see appearance > install plugins)
    – Update WordPress core to 4.8 (see updates)
    – Update WooCommerce (see updates)
    – Update WC Vendors and WC Vendors Pro (see plugins)

    Make sure you create a backup of your site files and database before committing any updates. Clear website and browser cache and purge any services like CloudFLare. Please also empty your php error log prior to these steps so we can get a clear idea of any issues still outstanding.

    Please let me know if this works or if you still have issues.



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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    OK I will do that.

    However I’m unable to update these:
    – Update WooCommerce (see updates)
    – Update WC Vendors and WC Vendors Pro (see plugins)

    As I’m waiting for WCVendors to carry out an update to fix an issue with their latest release to work well with WooCommerce.

    The redirect code has always worked fine prior to moving to Kleo. Obviously you guys have asked me to modify it to work with Kleo log in rather than my-account (however it does not work).




    If I click delete on my error log file in cPanel, will the file get re created if any new errors appear?


    Hi Karen,

    I have looked over the code supplied by WC Vendors, both here and via their site, the code looks fine but it does appear to have some issues with other content. I tried a few methods and I found a simple, light-weight and compatible solution to your issue.

    In the WordPress repository you’ll find a plugin called Peter’s Login Redirect, It allows you to create login and logout redirects for multiple conditons, including by user role, this will work with kleo modal login, wp-admin and wp-login. You can select the option to redirect user role (vendor) on login. Let me know if this helps.

    The safest route with the php error log is to delete the contents of the file and not the file itself. If it was to be deleted it should just be created again, but that could change on a host by host basis so it’s best to leave the file intact.


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    Hi Kieran,

    I activated the Peters log in plugin and added the attached settings for user role Vendor.

    Sadly it doesn’t work and I’ve noticed in their support forum this hasn’t been supported for a long time as tickets have not been responded to.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Hi Karen,

    I just logged in using the details for Vendor role, upon login I was directed to /dashboard/ and on logout I was directed to /my-account/ as per the settings in your screenshot.

    Please clear your local cache, website cache and purge any services like CloudFlare or MaxCDN and try again with the vendor details provided in a new incognito / private window.



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    Custom development requests can be sent to, one of the development team will be happy to discuss your needs.


    How do I clear my website cache – I can’t see anything in my cPanel?
    I have cleared my browser cache.

    thank you,



    Ps I don’t use any Cache plug ins



    If you’re not using a website cache you’ll have nothing to clear so you can skip that step. Make sure when you test that you’re using an account with the primary role of Vendor, it’s definitely working from my end I tested it a few moments ago with the Karens Crafts account.



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    I don’t understand how it is working for you and not myself or 230 vendors. Is there anything else I can do? I have tried on all browsers as well as clearing browser cache and so have my vendors.

    Many thanks,




    I’m not sure why either, I recorded a short video just to prove it is actually working from my end

    Could you supply me with another Vendor account to log in to please so I can test with that.



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    That was lovely of you to go to the trouble of creating the video, thank you 🙂

    I wonder if it’s because you were logging in as that Vendor for the first time, whereas I have logged in prior to adding the redirect plugin as Karens Crafts and all my Vendors have also logged into their own vendor accounts previously.

    I’m guessing even though we have cleared our cache something somewhere isn’t clearing for existing uses who have already logged in…. hmmm

    So to test this theory I created a new Vendor account. Then I logged in for the first time using these details and hey presto it took me to the Vendor Dashboard!

    So it must be cookies not just cache we need to clear. So I removed my cookies, then signed in with Karens Crafts and ta dar it works! 🙂


    That’s great to hear Karen, so glad it works now!

    If you like the theme or the support you’ve received please consider leaving us some feedback on themeforest 🙂 And if you consider this topic closed, please could you mark this ticket as resolved via the dropdown at the top of the page.

    And of course, if you ever need more assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us here at Seventh Queen support!

    Have a great day,


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