This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years by colecoboy84.

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  • #62703

    I have requested this before in the forum, but somehow it was never implemented, so here an offricial feature request:

    could you add a LinkedIn sharing button as part of the social sharing block underneath the blog posts? I know that there are many social networks, but this is nearly the biggest (and the LinkedIn button is enable for the top bar).

    In general it would be better to have checkboxes for those sharing services you want to enable or not.



    And more, please let BuddyPress users to import their profile from LinkedIn / Facebook.


    Agree this would be really helpful as LinkedIn is a key professional social network and is missing from Kleo at the moment – I’ve added an XProfile LinkedIn button and other social network icons on the Buddypress members’ profile header using code that has been shared here previously, and have just added it to the social share links.

    Social share links added using the following code added in just above the Facebook share section in a copy of kleo/page-parts/posts-social-share.php added to my child theme:

                <span class="kleo-linkedin">
                    <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="post_share_linkedin"
                       onclick=",'', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,height=260,width=600');return false;">
                        <i class="icon-linkedin"></i>

    and this css code added to style.css:

    .icon-linkedin:before {
        content: '\e95c';

    LinkedIn is essential for those of us who publish business news. Some of my posts (specially art-related ones) get great traction on StumbleUpon, so I’ve been using a plugin to display these sharing buttons. Of course it’d be better to have these options baked into the theme!

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