This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by arielsfr.

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  • #62365

    I have really problems to style the site via styling section.

    I would love to have a better control what to style:

    Please sperate:

    menu (background, background hover, link, link hover)
    submenu (background, background hover, link, link hover)
    header buttons 1st style (background, background hover, link, link hover)
    header buttons 1st style submenu (background, background hover, link, link hover)
    header buttons 2nd style (background, background hover, link, link hover)
    search form border (color)
    search form container
    search form labels (color)
    searchform fields (border, border hover, background, color)
    searchform fields dropdowns (border, background, color, border hover, background hover, color hover)

    I tried hours to style via theme options but the button section is completely wired.
    If I stily buttons, fields change, if I style text hover, search form border changes.

    Please make it a little easier to control the colors 😉


    Hi, thanks for your suggestion. I will move it to the features requests section. We will think of a better way to handle that


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    @ SeventhQueen we do our best to have super happy customers. Thanks for being our customer.


    Thanks so much. It’s a superb theme. But this would make it more user friendly


    Or consider making Sweetdate into a plugin, with a sample theme provided.

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