Hey guys,
I’ve installed two plugins: WordPress Social Login (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-social-login/ ) and Custom Login (https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-login/ ).
In the previous Kleo versions I had no problems with the Login menu located at kleoNavMenu; it was pointing to the custom login interface with the social login embedded. So far so good.
But, after updating to the latest Kleo-version the login button is now pointing to WordPress default log in interface instead of my custom login menu.
I also see the wp-admin toolbar(???)…. and when you hit this login button in this toolbar it’s pointing to the custom log in interface.
the login button at kleoNavMenu is pointing to the WP default login interface, while the login menu at the wp-admin toolbar is correctly pointing to the custom login interface.
How can I fix this? Why is wp-admin toolbar showing up?