This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years by morok.

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  • #115244


    I have troubles (issue) with Portfolio Categories. The case is pretty simple, I want to display all the categories (and as you see in the screenshot the settings are correct) but the page does display only 2 categories filters (but displays all the portfolio items).

    I would appreciate a lot if you could help me to solve this issue.

    P.S.: At some point (I think before the theme update) it was working correctly.

    Thank you in Advance,


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    this can be caused by visual composer or k-elements plugins if they are not updated after theme update, you can check the plugins update status from wp-admin -> appearance -> install plugins.



    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Thank you)


    I’ve updated Visual Composer, what more the Revolution Slider Typography were attracted. Check the screenshot.

    P.S. I don’t know if that matters but sometimes the header colour changes on it’s own. At the time of the first post it had White background and now it is Pink (screenshot). Something strange is happening, but there is a reason for that, a month ago our server was hacked and some of the files were corrupted. The team had clean and at that time in past it was ok, but not now. So this might be a source of all troubles and I was wondering can you provide any service (that I can purchase) which is general check up of theme files, or so.

    Thank you for your time Radu.
    I really appreciate it.

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    I have same issue. K-elements 4.0.4 and Visual Composer 4.11.1. I’am waiting for solution.

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    I’ve found a solution. Not perfect but it works. You only have to give the same label (ticket, tag (URL name)) and name to category. Sorry, i’m using russian translation of backend so can’t tell how it is called in english. So for BEAUTY tag should be BEAUTY and name should be BEAUTY and it will appear.

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