This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years by sharmstr.

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  • #94712

    Hi there, on this page I have a portfolio. I want the user to be able to click anywhere within the specific image to get to the linked page. Right now it takes me 3-4 clicks until the link reacts and jumps to the next page. any ideas how to fix this? thanks, Grig


    You only have to click once if you click in the correct spot. This is usually not an issue, but in your case it is because your portfolio items are so small. The only thing that’s not linked is the excerpt, but again, because your items are so small, the excerpt takes up almost half of the item.

    Copy /kleo/page-parts/portfolio-masonry.php to your child theme /kleo-child/page-parts/portfolio-masonry.php and change this line (near the bottom)

     <?php echo kleo_excerpt( 60, false ); ?>

    to this

    <a href="<?php the_permalink();?>"><?php echo kleo_excerpt( 60, false ); ?></a>
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    ok. thanks. why not add the code directly into the theme? I haven’t uploaded the child theme. thx, grig


    You can do that, but it will be overwritten with every update.

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    ok. so I assume the safest workaround is to only allow 3 items per row and make them bigger? thanks, Grig


    That would give people more room to click.

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