This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by STIX FX Entertainment.

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  • #42833

    I am considering a layout option for a news site I have, and not sure if it is possible.

    Using visual composer, I was wanting to have a news feed on the front page that shows say the most recent three news stories using the posts grid (left thumbnail), then have another section under with a few ads, then another posts grid that show more stories, but the fourth newest through 10th newest, so it essentially skips the first three since they are already in the top section. Is there a way to do this where you can set up a section and have it exclude a certain amount of new posts?


    Hmmm. There’s no way to do that using the post grid. I cant even think of a hack or workaround for that. Testimonials on the other hand, gives you and offset paramater which does exactly what you want. Testimonials are merely posts, so I should be able to make that work. Let me get back to you on this.

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    Thanks. I believe a former theme I had bought and messed with (ended up not being the total solution) could do this. I am trying to remember which one.


    Its entirely doable since there is an offset argument you can pass to the wp post loop. The issue is with VC. They dont have an option for offset in their custom post loop. I’m looking through their developer docs and I dont see any way of overriding their loop. :/

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    Like I said, its a VC issue.

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    I could write a special vc shortcode to do what you want to do, but that would take considerable time.

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    I just checked out the latest version of VC and they have included an offset filter. I have a question in to abe asking if VC 4.4 will be included in the next Kleo update. Will let you know.

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    Thanks for checking. I might find a way to suggest that to them for a future update. I can see some great applications for it down the road.


    Sorry, was typing my response at the same time you were. Excellent! Keep me posted!


    He said 4.4.1 will be in the next update. No firm ETA but its close.

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    Thanks for checking!

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