This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Josiah.

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  • #2278

    I don’t have profile tabs to the right of member profile pictures for some reason. I have already edited them in sweetdate/buddypress and user/profile fields…is there anything that is recommended?


    also, i have the child theme activated…


    If you have renamed the default profile field groups from WP Admin -> Users -> Profile fields then please follow this topic to enable whatever field group you want to show there

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    Hey I sent you my admin and ftp login info through email because i tried following that already, but I still had issues. email was from

    I tried looking through the forum before posting here, but still not working!


    Thanks for the support!! You guys got my 5 stars!!


    Thank you very much.

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    I am having a similar issue. “About Me” and “My Photos” are the only tabs showing. I am viewing a profile that does have all of the profile fields filled out.


    Hi, Please follow this topic and should work fine:

    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    That does not help me. I am trying to add “Profile Fields” tabs. I have four tabs total:
    1. Base
    2. Summary
    3. Physical
    4. Location

    In my functions.php file I do not see anything about tabs. I do have the child theme active. Here is the functions.php

    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage Sweetdate
    * @author SeventhQueen <>
    * @since Sweetdate 1.0

    * Sweetdate Child Theme Functions
    * Add extra code or replace existing functions


    function kleo_my_actions()
    /* disable matching on member profile */
    remove_action('kleo_bp_before_profile_name', 'kleo_bp_compatibility_match');

    /* Replace the heart over images */
    add_filter('kleo_img_rounded_icon', 'my_custom_icon');

    /* Replace the heart from register modal */
    add_filter('kleo_register_button_icon', 'my_custom_icon_register');

    /* Replace the heart with a camera icon function */
    function my_custom_icon () {
    return 'camera';

    /* Replace the heart from register modal with a user icon function */
    function my_custom_icon_register () {
    return 'user';

    /* Filter the redirect url for login*/

    function kleo_redirect_to_profile($redirect_to_calculated,$redirect_url_specified,$user){
    /*if no redirect was specified,let us think ,user wants to be in wp-dashboard*/
    return bp_core_get_user_domain($user->ID );
    return $redirect_to_calculated; /*if site admin*/
    function bpdev_remove_bp_pre_user_login_action(){
    remove_action( 'pre_user_login', 'bp_core_strip_username_spaces' );

    //add a filter to invalidate a username with spaces
    function bpdev_restrict_space_in_username($valid,$user_name){
    //check if there is an space
    if ( preg_match('/\s/',$user_name) )
    return false;//if myes, then we say it is an error
    return $valid;//otherwise return the actual validity



    Following the topic you should end you adding this to sweetdate-child/functions.php

    function kleo_my_custom_tabs() 
    	global $bp_tabs;
    	$bp_tabs = array();
    	$bp_tabs['base'] = array(
    			'type' => 'regular',
    			'name' => __('Base', 'kleo_framework'),
    			'group' => 'Base',
    			'class' => 'regulartab'
    	$bp_tabs[] = array(
    			'type' => 'regular',
    			'name' =>  __('Summary', 'kleo_framework'),
    			'group' => 'Summary',
    			'class' => 'regulartab'
    	$bp_tabs[] = array(
    			'type' => 'regular',
    			'name' =>  __('Physical', 'kleo_framework'),
    			'group' => 'Physical',
    			'class' => 'regulartab'
    	$bp_tabs[] = array(
    			'type' => 'regular',
    			'name' =>  __('Location', 'kleo_framework'),
    			'group' => 'Location',
    			'class' => 'regulartab'
    	/* rtMedia tab - only if plugin installed */
    	if (class_exists('RTMedia')) 
    		$bp_tabs['rtmedia'] = array(
    				'type' => 'rt_media',
    				'name' => __('My photos', 'kleo_framework'),
    				'class' => 'mySlider'
    	/* Bp-Album tab - only if plugin installed */
    	elseif (function_exists('bpa_init')) {
    		$bp_tabs['bp-album'] = array(
    				'type' => 'bp_album',
    				'name' => __('My photos', 'kleo_framework'),
    				'class' => 'mySlider'
    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    That worked great! Thank you.

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