This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years by Roader.

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  • #147996

    Hi there!

    Photo 1)  How can I put NOT REQUIRED the Subject Field?

    I dont want Subject Field.

    Dating Site Messaging DOES NOT have a Subject (example Badoo, Tagged, etc.).

    Photo 2)  I dont know if this is a problem of BuddyPress… but, when you write the name of a member, autocomplete fails or does not work… Here you can see that user: “Francis” is in Active Members (bp widget).

    Other problem.  User Name and Send a Reply very close to Avatars.

    Photo 3)  A interesting feature for SweetDate – Private Messages.

    Photo 4)  Only an Example. WAPLOG.COM  (I think that this site is Based on BuddyPress).

    Please, think. The messaging needs to be improved. For a Dating Site, Messaging is Very, Very, Important! 

    Also, many Styles for Mobile Devices. On small screens there are misaligned buttons, etc.




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    This Message is for Laura. Este mensaje es para Laura.

    Bien Laura, en español escribo con más libertad. 😀

    1) Lo que quiero es anular que el campo Asunto sea obligatorio. Sé que se puede ocultar usando display: none; pero eso no sirve si internamente hay un código php obligando al Usuario a escribir un Asunto. En ninguna página de Dating esto de “Asunto” es necesario. En el Contact Form Okey! Ahí sí.

    2) En Compose, cuando escribes el nombre de algún Usuario, no se autorrellena, Por qué?

    3) Como ves en la foto, hay problemitas con el CSS original (incluso en el Demo del Theme), Send a Reply aparece pegado al Avatar, etc.

    4) La mensajería debe ser mejorada. De por sí la Mensajería de BP es tediosa. No es práctica para un sitio de Dating. Mira el ejemplo de WAPLOG, una mensajería así es que se necesita. Me parece que WAPLOG está basada en BuddyPress.

    Pero si no pueden hacer una mensajería así, por lo menos que añadan el Quick MS Navigator, y mejoren un poco más el Template de Mensajería Privada.



    1. I will add this to improovment list for the moment we don’t have a solution for that, it will take some time to implement also the subject field.

    2. De-activate child theme and check again, also de-activate the plugins and check again, most probably this it’s caused by the child theme or some plugin.

    Thank you again for your suggestions.


    Hi there!!! Help others from the community and mark any reply as solution if it solved your question. Mark as a solution

    My friend Radu. The problem of autofill in Compose is in your Theme. Look at the picture. Taking for example your Demo!

    And yeas my friend, your Theme needs a best Messaging (like Waplog maybe, or you can add Quick Ms Navigation for now…).

    Note: Dont forget the problem of the Profile Cover (white text, shadow… etc.)!! Remember…

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    >>> Autofill Username does not work. Autofill for Friends is Okey!.

    Please, check!


    HI MontecciO1,
    Your profile seems pretty organized!
    I started a dating site for meself.I have no knowledge about coding.
    Can you give me some idea/help how you did it if possible step by step if you have time?

    Thanks & Best regards


    For my friend Radu. If you want, for the Next SD Update… 😉

    Please, add too: Message Text Area With Emoji

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