This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years by bluecafe.

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  • #30052

    Hi all,

    Thanks for your awesome theme.

    I’ve put your Kleo Recent Posts widget in the right column of several pages in my site as you can see in the image.

    But widget is not showing the excerpts and only the first item in the list shows the date…

    How can I solve it?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


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    Please send me admin credentials to your website and i will provide you a fix. Reply as private for security reasons.

    Thank you,

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    the widget is intended to show the title and the date, not the excerpt… regarding the date, if the posts are in the same date, it will be displayed the date to the first post from that day in the list.

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    Hi Catalin:

    Thanks for your answer. I can’t see any option excepting “Excerpt lenght” to show/hide the excepts in the widgets. I you mean that the widget it’s not developed to show the excerpts… for what is the field?

    According to the date field, ok, but I need to show every date, not only the first one. How can I do it?



    We will take a look and make sure the date is showed on all posts for the next update and also add the excerpt

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    Hi Catalin:

    Thank you very much. I’ll wait for your analysis and comments.

    Best regards.


    Hi, the excerpt wasn’t added in KLEO 2.1 but the date was configured to show on all entries

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    Just wondered about the same why excerpts don’t show in the kleo recent post widget. What is the field for excerpts for if excerpts don’t show up? I think it would be a nice feature to have an excerpt in the recent post widget. I think this is even more important than the date.


    Hmmm. Never noticed that. I’ll talk to the developers about it and see if there was a reason. In the meantime, I’ve added the code. Just replace /kleo/lib/widgets/recent_posts.php with the attached file. Make sure you change the extension from .txt to .php. Normally I wouldnt have you replace core files, but in this case, I’m hoping a permanent change will be added to kleo and I dont want you to worry about fixing anything and the update.

    I decided to change the excerpt to character length instead of the default word length. Since the sidebars are so small it makes controlling the size of the excerpt easier. Not sure if this will how the devs will do it or not.

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    This support site is not about custom work. If you need custom development please contact

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    Cool, thank you for the quick fix … !

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