This topic has 18 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years by Kookidooki.

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  • #43913

    Hey guys,

    Everytime this annoying issue is bugging me.

    I’ve created some profile fields and groups. For instance:

    Group I (base): Name

    Group II (contacts): Email address

    But everytime it’s displaying the groups in the wrong order and the profile fields twice. Like this:

    Group II: Email address
    Email address

    Group I: Name

    Have tried to deactivate some plugins but to no avail.

    Any idea?



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    I can log in but I’m blocked from seeing anything. Please make me an admin.

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    Please try it now.


    Just noticed that my “Groups” stopped working…
    Can you also take a look at that?


    I dont know where its pulling your email address from because I dont see that email address anywhere in your profile. Do you mind if I disable some plugins to test?

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    groups are working for me.

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    You may disable plugins for testing.

    Regarding groups:

    When I hit, for example in the header menu the group tab, or in main navbar the group icon, it’s not displaying my groups anymore.


    For example I’ve created 8 groups but don’t see it anymore.


    I see all of your groups.

    For the profiles, it looks like you changed the order in which the profile groups are displayed, correct?

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    That was my point and why I thought you edited the profile loop because its not displaying in the correct order. I’ll keep playing with it. In the meantime, can you delete one of the Kleo installs?

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    I’ve deleted the older install.


    Is there a way to display the Profile Groups as tabs just like the screenshot? So when you hit a tab the profile fields are displayed.


    I enabled the main kleo theme and your problem went away. You edited something in kleo child that caused the issue.

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    regarding tabs. I answered that recently. Do a search.

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    Thank you, but I’ve made some customizations in the child-theme. How about that?

    What was causing the problem within the child-theme, so I can remove that?

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